X-fannish stuff

Oct 13, 2005 21:10

Ok i have no finally read Uncanny X-men #465 the last in the House of M tie in and i must say i am a little disappointed.

I was expecting Meggan to be having a big role in the issue perhaps go out in a big bang of her powers. But she kind of slipped through the book un-noticed until the end which was nothing spectacular. No tears, no flashes, no big bangs.

I suppose this could be seen as being quite powerful but...Meggan *weeps*. She deserved something a bit more spectacular being one of Marvels most powerful (and under rated characters). I was expecting some Brian angst but alas nothing just a whispered
"Thank you, Meggan. Sleep well, my love."
Such a let down. But can we believe anything more from Claremont at the moment?

The only consolation i feel is that you didn't actually see her die. Maybe, just maybe shes just lost in the voidy thing and might come back. I mean i know this is Marvel but i dont think somehow Meggan is top of their 'To be resurrected' list should she indeed be dead. I mean apparently she didn't even play a big enough part in the arc to warrent a bloody cover...not even a small image of her damnit show me where she is on the covers *hysterical sobs*

Another disappointment in this arc has been Claremont apparently ignoring aspects of her character...like her actually having a personality! I mean really, by the end of Classic Excalibur she had gone far beyond being just Brians other half, almost literally being stuck to his side 24/7. She became an individual and powerful. Jesus this girl was more powerful than Storm.

Not only was she an elemental metamorph she could fly, draw power from her surroundings to enhance her strength, speed and endurance. On top of this she could control elements such as water, fire, electricity and lava. I'm sure she had other powers but they aren't springing to my little disgruntled mind right now.

I think its a shame for Marvel to split one of their most enduring and strong couples. To me Meggan and Brian symbolised the modern relationship far more than Scott and Jean ever did. They have gone through more human conflicts such as attractions to other people (Brian--Courtney, Meggan--Kurt, Piotr) and alcoholism. They survived and married and were happy. Then along comes Chris Claremont and stomp stomp stomps all over them.

There are two reasons i can find for the decision to kill Meggan.
One she was too powerful
Two she was too happy. The partnership between Meggan and Brian rendering them 'un-marketable'. Which is something Heroesforghosts suggested the other day.

Either way i feel Claremont, who was close to redeeming himself by the return of Pete Wisdom has sunk lower than...something really low.

He could have made Meggan and Brian interesting...perhaps a sprog was called for. *shrugs* Anything but death/interdimensional disappearance.

Good god Marvel what are you doing?

Poor Meg. *sniffles*

This article has also taken my eye.

Anyone care to guess who the mutants are who lose their powers?
My guesses are with Jubilee and Chamber due to the whole Gen M thing. Why else would they be being interviewed in Gen M? Wouldn't they wanna keep their identities secret if they had lost their powers?

Well at least we can be assured (i hope) that Beast and Petey Wisdom don't lose their powes. *frets*

I bet Marrow will lose her powers if they remember she exists. *pouty*

Also those kid mutants from Academy X who didn't survive the creative team switch. *ponders*

Any suggestions.

Oh what a strange day in the x-fandom.

x-men decimation, chris claremont, x-men, meggan

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