Get well soon Sally Advent

Oct 12, 2005 20:54

Yes Sally my big computer is ailing. For some reason she wont boot up. The man came out to collect her this evening hopefully he can make her feel all spiffy and new again. We all have a lot of documents on her that we would like to retrieve.

In another strange electronics incident the CD player in my car decided to eat Elton John!!
Ok, so technically it wasn't an Elton John cd. It was a cd that just so happened to have Elton John's 'Sacrifice' as the first track, as such it got repeated often. Only really changed the song when i needed a Genesis fix. But yeah went to change my cd and it wouldn't pop out or even play it. My cd player has never been known for its intelligence (one of the reasons i ended up with it in the first place) so i ended up driving home with nothing but the sound of my frustration (madly gnashing teeth, snarls and expletives aimed at other moronic rush hour drivers).

Got home and hoped someone would be able to fix it but alas, it is not to be. The thing has gone never to return. Woe. This sucks on so many levels cause the cd player loses its radio settings when you start the engine and you have to set five minutes tuning it which is why i always listened to cds. I'm considering going back to the old tape thing that came with Millie, cause at least the radio works. I can use that then until i can get hold of another cheap cd player.

Went to see 'Pride and Prejudice' today which i enjoyed a whole lot more than i was expecting too tbh. I still think the Colin version is supreme but that said this is incomparable really and is by far the best movie Austen adaption. Thinking about who the best Darcy was just makes my brain go to mush because they were both excellent but so different. Mainly in age. I always think of this as a younger one aimed at a teen audience. That said we was in a cinema full of the over 70's.
It was funny though cause as the film started the old man a few rows back said 'I'm gonna turn my hearing aid on now' really loudly.
Then when Lizzie was saying to Lady Catherine de Burg (or however you spell it) that she didn't want to reveal her age another lady shouted 'Hear, Hear!'

A strangely mixed day in all and LOST in an hr!! Hurrah!

computer, pride and prejudice, sally, millie, cars

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