"I’ma Be Like a Waffle Cone, That’s Dripping Down To The Floor"
"Come Sit Upon My Lap, Hey, Come Sit Upon My Lap"
Sorry...Lately Beyonce owns my ass! Beginning to think "B'day" was my favorite album of last year...v. Tina Turner sounding.
Hmmm....so I took a sleeping pill last nite 'cause I can't sleep anymore. Ugh, I woke up completely out of it and had to got to work....I think I rinsed my hair and threw water on my face before rushing out the door. I felt/feel like a crack addict. Anyways, I'm a state today. See that movie with the Notebook guy in it where he's a teacher and also a Heroin addict (or right, it isn't out on DVD yet..oops)...well I feel like that day. No more sleeping pills for moi. I don't know how ppl do "heavier shit" and still function. Like, seriously? How do you do it guys? Seriously!
I'm increasinly disappointed by movie award season this year. WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY too predictable. Mirren, Best Actress, Whitaker, Best Actor, Murphy, Best Supporting Actor, Hudson, Best Supporting Actress, Scorese, Best Director....those are your Oscar winners this year folks. I'm actually skipping them this year to go to the the Miss Newfoundland and Labrador Miss Teen Pagent..first time I'm missing them since 1987....when Cher was an Oscar winner actress.
Only open category....Best Picture. And if recent awards are any indication:
Really??? Was "Sunshine" that good??? Like, Seriously??? Seriously! With it's PGA and SAG wins, it's now the unlikely frontrunner. That part at the end was the funniest scene in a film I saw all year though!