"I’ma Be Like A Jolly Rancher, That You Get From The Corner Store"

Jan 29, 2007 12:48

"I’ma Be Like a Waffle Cone, That’s Dripping Down To The Floor ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

shay1985 January 29 2007, 17:27:54 UTC
Yes..... it was that good. The acting was phenominal and the message was beautiful. Don't be so brooding. It doesnt need to be about genecide or some shit to be a Best Picture. I LOOOOOOOVED this movie *dance*


maddybritfan January 30 2007, 00:46:09 UTC
The movie was good..I'm not arguing that...but best of the year...I can think of several with better acting, directing, and writing. Not to give anything in this movie away, but that whole grandpa in the trunk of the van... a tad gimmicky. It's a crowd pleaser though...but so was "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"...and looking back at that (Oscar Nominated???) film now...pure sitcom material. Sorry, but this movie has a similiar appear...it plays like "My Big Fat Road Trip".

It's not worthy of "Best Picture" distinction or the praise. Period


shay1985 January 30 2007, 03:24:21 UTC


maddybritfan January 30 2007, 00:47:14 UTC
On a side note....I'd rather see that litte girl win over Jennifer Hudson.


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