Feb 09, 2008 17:29
Lol so i'm sittin here playin rockband wit my cousin kyle, this shit is actually quite fun. I'm actually tryin to cut back on da booze sumwhat, only drinkin once every coupla weeks or if i do it's not drinkin til im totally fuckin smasht hahahhaha.
In other news i think i'm going crazy i always think i see da X in the weirdest places. This one time a coupla weeks ago i was wit Mandy & we were drivin out to lynden park mall and as we passed this intersection i thought i'd seen her this car turnin in front of us... i'm not too sure coz last time i seen her she had black hair. She lookt quite happy which was nice to see her smiling again.
Then other day we stopt at another intersection down by Muggs n happen to look over at this white car & lol i swear ta gawd it lookt like her but than again my eyesight is complete shit even with my glasses on. For all i know i was staring at sum complete stranger bahahaha at one point the guy drivin seemed to look at me & put his arm around the girl in shotgun.
I most be going nutz lol, if nuttn else i would like to talk her sumday to apologize for all the crap i put her thru. even tho according to the grapevine she STILL HATES my gutz. Sweet jesus, it's been a year & to hear that she wrote shit about me on facebook... AGAIN!!!
I made the mistake about talkin or posting shit on here once, but in my defence i posted that a week after we broke up & i was pist & fuckt up!! Looking back i wish i hadn't, it was a very stupid thing to do. On the plus that was the week i had finally got a permanent job & tried to get my shit back in order.
Anyhow, if that's the way she wants to be so be it, it would've been nice to be able to one day be able talk to her again, she was a huge part of my life for awhile n im grateful for that time.