Jan 27, 2006 10:32
so i know i am the worst at updating but i will try to get better this year (although i probably wont)
adam has been back for a month or so. supposedly looking for work but i guess our definitions of "looking" are different. haha. things have been really hard financially since he hasnt been working. it always felt like my income didnt count, but since november we've been living off it. i try not to be bitter. i dont know if i'm doing a very good job. its just for someone that is such an advocate of the bible's submissive wife and bread-winning husband, well...he just comes off hypocritical. i guess he can just say i've never been submissive. lol
so anyway, the boys are good. aidan is talking like crazy in full sentences and is like a little sponge for learning new things. last night he told me 'his noggin was stuck' between the couch and the end table. too much nemo i'm sure. he also understands everything we say now which is hard because if we're discussing, say..going to his cousins' house, then he will insist for the rest of the night "i want go darren's". it's also really nice though because we can explain to him why he cant pull a chair up to the stove, climb on it and try to turn the dials so he can "cooks". and why he cant go outside when its 29 degrees out. sometimes he seems to actually GET it. its really cool.
jakob is still more laid-back then aidan but he's getting into everything like crazy now. hands in the vcr, climbing on the trashcan, making little obstacle courses jumping from the chair to the couch, throwing food on the floor, even smacking you and frowning when he's mad. that kid has learned to manipulate us so bad. and i cant help to think that little toddler is my BABY. he's too little to understand anything. right. i'm fairly sure that thought will bite me in the ass someday but hey, what can you do when you're littlest is getting to be so big. he does everything aidan does. they even wrestle, fight over toys and hug and kiss each other all day long. its wonderful to be a mother. they are so precious. and total BOYS.
thats about all for now, hope everything is going good for all of you.