Today's good thing

May 01, 2016 10:28

Somehow, this did not post last night.

Today's good thing: I had another productive day. More laundry, I worked on my painting project(painting old metal patio chairs), worked in my flower garden... I spent nearly the whole day outside and it was awesome.

Not so awesome: Sam, one of "our"(she eats here, won't let us touch her) cats isn't looking after her babies, so now we're bottle feeding her three remaining kittens. I'm too old to look after a BABY baby!

And more potential Larae unpleasantness. She texted me today wanting to know if we "still have her mom's carpet cleaner". It's actually ours... J bought it for his mom years ago, and when she got a new one, she gave it to us. J said don't let her borrow it, she'll sell it or tear it up. Because not only should she have hers, she should also have her mom's new one. I told her it wasn't working. Of course, I always think of the good comebacks later... I should've said, "No, we have ours. Don't you have your mom's?"

bad things, good things, larae

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