It's the reason I'm here, I guess. Or at least it's supposed to be. But honestly it's not what I see LJ as. I'd love to sign in and write meta and start discussions and have polls, but it's just not me. I make icons, I lurk, I enjoy. The very first story I ever read on Livejournal was The Butcher by
dampersnspoons which is obviously a wonderful story, but it didn't hook me on LJ, because most of her other stuff was on the websites I actually did use. A few months later I was poking around and I completely don't remember how but I then came across
angearia's TYSK and I read however many chapters she had posted at the time (I think thirty?) basically all in one sitting. I loved her story and was a little surprised I had never even heard of her before (which I know, around here is basically like blasphemy ;]) but I guess I just hadn't been in the right places. When I saw that she had so many comments by this
penny_lane_42 person I checked her out and realized she, in fact, was LIRAZEL. I already knew of and loved her so I decided that this place must be pretty great and decided to stick around. And even though I don't post really ever, I love it here. I really do. Buffy has changed the way I view the world around me, the way I think about gender, the way I analyze stories and characters, and it wouldn't have made half of that impact without all of the things I see here on LJ.
So what I'm trying to say is thanks. ♥