(no subject)

Dec 26, 2008 21:30

So, just a quick note: in reading this you are entering into a supernatural contract which states that after reading you must respond with a comment that states what YOU received for Christmas.

I got:
A windbreaker
Running shorts and a running shirt
A comforter
A kickass sweatshirt
Eric By Terry Pratchett
Thud! By Terry Pratchett
Making Money By Terry Pratchett
Nation By Terry Pratchett
A can opener that takes the seam off of the can lid instead of cutting it
A shirt of somebody getting choked
American Pie
Millenium Blues Party
A glue stick that looks like a little dude
Drier Balls
A Ramadi Shirt from my sister
An ultra bright LED flash light
Tickets to Disneyland
Hand Warmers
Cocktail Umbrellas
A sweater
A hat
A shirt with skulls on it
$200 at Amazon.com that I'm sharing with my dad and my sister
And a partridge in a pear tree

I love hearing what people get. You know what I appreciate the most?

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