OK, so I'm on a binge. It's cold and rainy and I have nothing to do. A lot of these are from yuletide, because, um, as far as I know it's the only centralized rare fandom archive, and also most of the stuff there is rilly rilly readable, which is more than you can say for archives in general. Wow, that was a downer, considering I've been very well entertained today. Hmm.
The Case of Spode by
peak_in_darien (Wodehouse)There are snorts, and then there are snorts, and this particular snort was distinct in the extreme. It had the sound of an angry hippopotamus clearing its airways. It was, without doubt, the snort of Spode.
This is perfect. Absolutely Wodehouseian in tone. A bit of Jeeves/Wooster slash because apparently that's the law when you write Wodehousefic, but whatever. So good!
Saved by Miss Silver by
janedavitt (Patricia Wentworth)Miss Silver’s busy hands continued to knit, the pale yellow wool - such a useful shade! When one did not know if a baby would be girl or boy, it was practical to use a shade that would suit either and this was very pretty, very pretty indeed - a bright spot against her snuff-coloured dress. She coughed slightly, her eyes keen as she glanced at Frank.
Most people probably aren't that familiar with Patricia Wentworth's Miss Silver books - they're not very exciting and can be a bit formulaic, but I have a soft spot for early-to-mid 20th-century English mysteries, and they're very... atmospheric. And this captures the tone of the books perfectly.
Six Years Later by
jengrrrl (Gone with the Wind)“Don’t kid yourself, Scarlett. You’re here because you’re lonely. I am too.”
“All right,” she replied, nervously licking her lips. “I am, but so what? I’m not here for that, Rhett. Mainly, I wanted to see if you’d grown old and fat.”
Forget the horrible sequel (which I, to my everlasting shame, actually own), this is how it should be. The first section is the teeniest bit clunky, but the rest just sparkles. (While we're on the subject of shame: I hate the movie. Can't-bear-to-watch-it hate it.)
The Closest Thing to Rain by
argyleheir (Brideshead Revisited)“Darling Charles, don’t look so serious.” Sebastian smiled, his lips gently parting. “Really now, there’s no need to worry, not to say that there was a reason for such a thing in the first place. Now that we’ve arrived, though, everything will be taken care of,” he said, his voice at once melodic and mockingly dramatic.
OK, so anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that boyslash does nothing for me. However, I don't think it's possible to read Brideshead Revisited as anything other than Sebastian/Charles, and this is a lovely, very very g-rated ficlet with a nicely poetic Charles-voice and hints of a suitably capricious Sebastian. (This reminds me that I've owned the series on DVD for about six months now and haven't even watched it yet.)
Advantage by
damned_colonial (Hornblower/Georgette Heyer crossover)"You are quite the queerest female I ever met," he declared.
"Have you met a great many queer ones?" asked Sophy.
"Not as many as I might wish, if they are all as much fun as you," he replied with a grin.
No, really. It's Archie Kennedy/Sophy Stanton-Lacy. I can't tell you how close I came to expiring from sheer gleefulness upon realizing this. Awesome banter and Horatio being made fun of and sex oh my.
The Unlikely Story of a Nobleman's Daughter by
dafnagreer (Lord Peter Wimsey)Lady Mary squared her shoulders. "Honestly, I am sorry Peter, I really had no intention of involving you at this stage - not unless it became necessary, at any rate, and I say, you really are unwell, aren't you?"
"Getting more so, by the minute," said Lord Peter. "I have new sympathy for Lady Macbeth. A most misunderstood woman. But you're dilly-dallying - when did you first toddle round to Charles with this absurd fairy tale?"
Lovely lovely Wimsey fic with a focus on Mary and Parker and Lord Peter being devious and unearthly smart and mocking and guhguhguh. *hearts him*