Small fandoms whee! Really, some of these should just be labeled inexistent fandoms. Incidentally, if you have anything to similar to rec, you should do so. Yes. Especially classic movie fic.
Wooster's School for Wayward Girls by
yahtzee63 (Wodehouse)I am not a man to quail at the first sign of trouble. We Woosters came over with the Conqueror, and as such bear the noble strain of blood that is ripe for the business of conquering and the like. But d. is the better part of v., and all that, and what with this latest reversal of fortune I think even the Conqueror himself would have said, "Bertram,my lad, take to the hills."
Madeline and Florence have ditched their fiancés. And now they're both in Bertie's flat. Oh dear.
Green Ice by
adina_atl (Wodehouse/Lord Peter Wimsey crossover)Discretion is the better part of valour, Jeeves once said, which is one of his wheezes meaning you couldn't get me into that room by tying me up in a dank cellar and sticking lit matches between my toes.
This sets out to make Bertie into something more than the total fribble that he is in Wodehouse canon. Interesting. Also, Bunter and Jeeves are in the same room, and miraculously the universe does not explode.
Lovely by
fearlessfan (Bringing up Baby)Susan wants David to wear a blindfold to the reception. He refuses at first, arguing loudly enough to distract their driver, but then Susan looks at him, veil askew, and says, "Oh David, please?"
He ties it himself.
It's Susan and David's wedding and Susan has a surprise. This is pitch-perfect and adorable and I can hear Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant delivering the lines and I love it love it love it. A lot.
In Which Eeyore Observes the Passing of the Seasons by
thepouncer (Winnie-the-Pooh)Eeyore looked up and sniffed the air and knew that snow would fall by morning. He shuffled back to his house to attempt to fill some of the cracks. Snow was very wet when it melted on a donkey's back. No invitations to wait out the winter in a cozy home were forthcoming, not that Eeyore had expected any, really.
This is just lovely. *sniffles*
Puppies and Punishments by
lovelyzelda (Arrested Development)"You're just upset because Dad never got you a dog when we were growing up," said Lindsay.
"Us," said Michael. "He never this where I find out he got everyone a dog but me?"
Christmas with les Bluth. And there's a puppy! I laughed, I cried. Well, I snickered somewhat hysterically. Tears may have been involved.
Amidst a Tumultuous Sea by
adina_atl (Lord Peter Wimsey)Thomas--officially named Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, a misspelling that never failed to annoy Peter--was Lady Severn's darling in ways that no mere son or godson could ever hope to be. "A cat in a delicate condition being more important that a murdered marquis?" he asked unnecessarily.
"Precisely." She stood to go. "Lord Pemberley isn't going to get any deader, after all," she said. She turned to go, so he might only have imagined her parting words, "More's the pity."
Oh, come on. There's cat fancy and Lord Peter! Why wouldn't I want you to read it?