A letter to boys

May 27, 2005 12:42

Dear boys,

First of all, let us discuss your many differences, since they are probably my favorite thing about you. Some of you are short, some are tall and beantree-esque. You might be aggressive, careless, insecure, thoughtful, possibly witty or tactless, or an assortment of these and other characteristics. Each of you has his own style, including the tight t-shirted urbanite, the cargo-shorted demi-jock, the punk with studded belt and gauged ears, and many other recipes for hotness. Some of you have crooked smiles, gigantic noses, bushy eyebrows, or butt chins like John Travolta. Some are rambunctiously Polish, mysteriously Asian, lacubriously French, chivalrously British, or deliciously Latino. But ALL OF YOU are HOTT.

There is no "standard" by which the hottness of boys is measured. You do not fall somewhere on a specific scale of Carrot Top to Orlando Bloom. Each and every one of you has his very own uniqueness, his "essence" if you will, that makes him indisputably attractive. You may not be handsome by Hollywood regulations, and you may not attract every girl within a twelve-mile radius, but attractive you remain -- because of your individuality. "Hott" is not something someone else has to label you. You become hott automatically as soon as you decide you want to be hott, and it's just a matter of deciphering which girls recognize your hottness and which ones are oblivious to it.

Boys, please know that even though we girls swoon over celebrity men, that does not mean we would prefer them to you. Yes, Ben Affleck is a very beautiful man, but he is not Real. When it comes down to it, girls want a Real Boy, not an illusion of smoke and mirrors. So be yourselves and don't hide things away in little boxes where we can't find them. Confidence is the most attractive quality a boy can have. It can also give you amazing skills such as the ability to pull off unusual accessories such as a Newsie hat. Which, of course, is Mother Nature's hottest accessory ever invented.

Do not let yourself get down when girls aren't interested in you, boys. You are a chick magnet, but even the strongest magnet can't attract a boring piece of plastic. (Which is what a large number of girls are made of: plastic.) And do not be afraid to take risks. Like bungee jumping or alligator wrassling. Not because it will make you more attractive, but because you will have fun and feel more confident with yourselves. And when that happens, everybody wins.

With sincerest hope for your happiness,
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