May 11, 2005 15:27
Be vewy vewy qwuiet, I'm hunting jobs.
SeattleLobster: i'm interviewing w/ the cleanscapes people tomorrow!!!!
lessmeshhats: the street washers?
SeattleLobster: yes!!
lessmeshhats: haha awsome
SeattleLobster: i'd be working the nightshift
SeattleLobster: 11pm - 5am
lessmeshhats: starting when?
SeattleLobster: uhhh
SeattleLobster: next week i'd hope
SeattleLobster: the lady on the phone was so like, uhhh whyyy do you want this job?
SeattleLobster: cause it's a job for homeless people
lessmeshhats: ha
SeattleLobster: and i'm like, i like homeless people
lessmeshhats: haaaaaa
SeattleLobster: she's like "you won't be uncomfortable?"
SeattleLobster: i'm like YES "no"
lessmeshhats: this is crazy
lessmeshhats: she actually said "it's a job for homeless people"
SeattleLobster: yeah
SeattleLobster: or no
SeattleLobster: she didn't say "homeless people"
SeattleLobster: she said "transients trying to readjust to the working world"
SeattleLobster: or something like that
lessmeshhats: hahaha
lessmeshhats: oh dear
SeattleLobster: yeah,it's really actually kinda creepy that i applied for it
lessmeshhats: i bet they all creepishly hit on you
SeattleLobster: i bet i creepishly disguise myself as a man!
lessmeshhats: i bet that doens't stop them
lessmeshhats: i really wish i was only working 2 or 3 days a week
lessmeshhats: jobs suck
SeattleLobster: like a two dollar whore
lessmeshhats: chinese whore
SeattleLobster: indeed
SeattleLobster: are you gonna apply at the zoo?
lessmeshhats: i already did
SeattleLobster: for zoo cashier?
lessmeshhats: ummm......
lessmeshhats: zoo associate, please