oh, hey. this is my real first entry on livejournal. i don't think that there is much point in explaining much about myself seeing, as if you're reading this, you probably already know me. i thought that i would open up this account just in case anybody is interested in my life. If not, theni suppose i'm just writing this for my own amusement and to fantasize that everyone wants to hear about my life because, secretley(well i guess not-so-secretly now) i think i'm pretty damn awesome. I suppose i'll start by telling you some recent events and offering (hopefully)interesting commentary on them, starting with my trip to New York City last Friday. so last Friday my friend Nattie and i skipped school and took the train into NYC with Marty. We basically wandered around, going to thrift shops, trying on 20 pound dresses(for details please see
http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=54573017&imageID=595833249&Mytoken=CD45459E-ADD0-C21C-D005FE2D4D95661131727771(I don't know HTML and i'm too lazy to pick up the book) and paint-splattered pants(sorry no pictures are posted at this time, but i'll nag Marty until he does). Our oddities are furthermore displayed at a NYC pizza parlor(
http://youtube.com/watch?v=CvdlWNt0Dh0). *dramatic sigh* oh to be normal...naw, theres no fun in that. anyways, Saturday rolled around and Marty and I drove up to Jeffersonville(his old town) which was a two-hour drive up into the Catskills. It was this little tiny town in the middle of nowhere. we took pictures. but we couldn't go into his old house and look around because some other people had beaten us to it. so we ended up only staying for only an hour or two before driving back. On the whole, i'd have to say that themost interesting part of the trip(or any car-trip taken with Marty) is the car-trip itself. we always seem to have the most interesting and usually oddball discussions. good trip, good trip. we later met Jenna at TGI Fridays and just sat making fun of our friends. On Sunday i once again took the forty minute drive up Route 78 to Marty's and we went to his family get-together. It was quite awkward being there because i didn't know any of the people there and it felt wierd to eat when Marty wasn't(he had a brunch earlier that day in which mass amounts of food was served), so i just didn't eat. we were only there for about an hour anyway. we then went home and went to Starbucks and watched movies and basically layed around for the rest of the day. it was actually an eventful weekend, however i ended up getting sick and staying home on tuesday. oh well, at least i had an interesting weekend. my brother wants to get on the computer...SIGN OFF HOME DAWGS!
oh, by-the-way we didn't really skip school, we're not that bad-ass, although we try soooooo hard to be.