Jan 03, 2010 00:56

Doing the rainbow meme, here are the rules:

Leave me a comment saying "rainbow".
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

And now my questions from.... PANDAROSI!

1) List the best things about England in your opinion!
Okay, basically it's general fantasy epicness. So many stories are inspired by British History and culture (especially Medieval Period), I love reading them. It can have SO MANY WEATHERS in the course of a few hours. It has a lot of awesome accents. There are so many beautiful views as well, I love travelling the country.

2) What Fandom were you in before Hetalia? Are you still in it? 
 Oohhh, now you're asking me. I think I was rekindling my love for Harry Potter. I was watching a lot of HP related stuff at the time. I still ADORE it of course, especially when I met Malfoy. It's actually my longest running fandom =D

3) Your favorite Disney film and why!
That's like asking me to choose my favourite child! Uhm... it's a tie between Mulan and The Lion King. Mostly because of their humour, story, and MUSIC! Oh gawd I LOVE their songs. But those two never fail to make me laugh. So they're my faves =D

4) Your best memory.
I have several... all involving different people for different reasons. I guess the time when my whole immediate family and I were at the park on Christmas Day... we had it to ourselves and we were just acting like goofs. I was texting many of my friends too, so it felt like thye were there. It was so fun! =D

5) Your biggest hope for the future. <3
Hmmm.... good one. A toss up between becoming an author... or for my Coexistance Project to work. Big dreams though xD


rainbow, meme, questions

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