
Dec 17, 2009 11:57

... It's something we're all capable of, but we don't all realise it. I was called "The most optimistic opitmist I've ever met"... well yes and no, I guess how I presented myself to her was that I have a positive view of the world and that I'm gnerally always happy. Not always the case though, you HAVE NOT seen me throw a screaming fit, and you don't.

However, I do feel that I am indeed a pretty optimistic person. I've been travelling on buses a lot recently; and they've been giving me a lot of time to think. I sometimes wonder WHY I'm pretty optimistic, what made me the kind over the top happy person I usually am. It does usually depend on my surroundings, perhaps I've made friends with the right people... I never used to be this "happy". With one of my ex-best friends I was pretty much forced to agree with everything she thought, and they were pretty dire. However, my optimism now kicks in... I've know learnt from that experience at a young age NEVER to do that again. Best learn when you're younger and "sorry" is pretty reasonable. I know, ADORE things that I used to have a false hatred of. Ever since that girl and I fell out... people noticed a change in me, as did I i want to know why I'm so optimistic

Cause 1: Real life experiences

Now, I have a friend who is very pessemistic. To put it bluntly, he wants the world to end. He is a hardcore atheists and HATES the fact that I'm a Christian. One time, he was grilling me about how horrible the world was and that there's no hope in it, and that I'm a fool for believing that there is. I eventually hit him with a quote from my mom "There are more nice people in this world than nasty" and he said "Do you really believe that? No one in this world deserves to exist." The whole coversation shuck me horribly, it was in a rather bitter tone that I said goodbye to him later that day.
I thought about that not long ago, I knew it couldn't be true... for example, I know much more nice people than I do nasty. Although maybe I've just got into the right crowd? Possibly... but let me but it into statistics for you.
This event is true, I witnessed it a couple of weeks ago. I was coming out from a shop and I saw a bus arrive, it was the one I needed (but it was mega early so I knew it would wait) so I sped-walked towards it. In the doorway of the bus I saw two boys picking on a young girl, they eventually pushed her off the bus. Two nasty people. Then, some people rushed over to see if she was okay. Then more came (including me by that time) and helped her to her feet whilst someone checked her cut on her leg. People ran out of the bus to check on her and also began to tell of the boys. The bus driver himself came out and threatended to call the police because of what they'd done. I don't remember how many people helped her, it was too many.
Think about it.
Nasty People = 2
Nice People = Countless

I haven't had anything REALLY horrible happen me in my life. For some people, you can understand exactly why they're depressed. I did go very near depression once, but I KNEW that staying depressed would not solve anything at all. So I recovered and I became happy again. I have been bullied for most my life, but when it got better, even slightly, it made a huge difference to me. I grew in confidence and I became likeable again. Then again, I haven't had a close family member or friend die yet, I haven't had major money problems, I've never had a boyfriend to be cheated on. They're some of the main causes of depression, and I haven't experienced those yet. Maybe that's why I have such a good view on life... who knows?

I have been surrounded by good people for all of my life... perhaps that is why I'm so happy. But the again, good people also attract good people. Think about that...

Cause 2: Faith

I won't dwell on this one, I can already see some of my firm atheist friends are rolling their eyes. But please listen to me, I AM NOT GOING TO PREACH. Well, I go to a youth group which teaches you about the moral stories in the Bible, and how they can help you in life. It's through these that I feel I may have become a more optomistic person. Also, I am not an extremist. I do not protest outside Civil Parternships or the funeral of a gay person (unlike sooommmeee people *hackcoughWestboro Baptist Churchcough* shit heads). In fact, I am a Straight Christian for Gay Rights. If someone tells me they're gay I'm like "'kay", it's just another piece of information about them for me. I don't judge people by their sexuality, quite frankly, I don't care. Nor do I judge people by religion (okay the above comment isn't backing that up very well... okay just look them up DX). Someone could come up to me and tell me they're whatever religion and I wouldn't mind. You know why? Because I don't judge people based on religion. It's about the PERSON and the choices they make. Perhaps that's why I'm happier... I don't want to judge based on the exterior of a person.

Cause 3: Those Little Things

I dunno what it is... but the smallest thing makes me happy. One of the more recent ones is when bus drivers drive past each other and give each other a little wave I think that is so cute! And I really do love seeing it. I dunno why it makes me so happy... but it does. It can make the HOUR of waiting the freezing rain for a bus worth it. Also, if I'd had taken another one, I wouldn't have met that really nice lady who I had a lengthy chat to about Dudley, and rollercoasters... not together obviously.

But very small thing do make me happy, the smell of toast in the morning, a bus ride or walk in the morning where the world is just waking up... although nature already has, writing to friends, inside jokes, hearing enjoyable conversations, watching friends make up after a fight, seeing the quick and lovely twinkle of delight in childrens eyes

... Like just now I watched Hetalia Episode 46 AND IT WAS ENGLAND'S MARU KAITE CHIKYUU AT THE END! OMG!!!!!!!!!!

I of course, love the big things, like friends and family.. but the little thing mean so much to me too.

Cause 4: Good Company

Online and in the real world, I have made so many friends in the past year. I've made best friends in record time, something that would take some local people years to achieve. But through friends and random wackyness, I have met some of the best people in the entire world. Every person I meet means something too me. This is why I do and I don't get Expo Blues. I can feel a little sad that it's all over for a while, but I recover quickly. There's a thing called "adding people", I make the effort to find the people I met and become thier friend. This is how I recover, I make the effort to know them. And through this, I have made so many lovely friends who are not only there for me, but cheer me up with theirprecious memories and funny lines. My friends (you know who you are), I love and adore all of you.

I have joined a few websites, the Anthony Horowitz MessageBoard, Gaia... and I have made wonderful friends on there who I will love and adore forever. Heck, us lot on the AH Board don't plan to lose each other when we grow out of him (nevaaaarrrr!)... but there was one website I'll never regret joining, Circle of Friends Penpal club. One of my old, girly magazines "Mizz" mentioned it as a great way of making friends... I did make some friends on their, we were all VERY young though. However, I made a friend for life. My best friend Rayne ~KokiriMango who listens when I RAGE, who joins in when I LOL, who doesn't mind my endless RANTS (too right, she rants MOAR), and who is COMING TO SEE ME IN APRIL! HELL YEAH! She is good company, she is what makes me optimistic. But... she is one of many. You know who you all are

I'm gonna leave it there for now, before it all turns too soppy. Or maybe it's because I've just watched Never Mind The Buzzcocks with DAVID TENNANT in it and I'm in a rather silly mood...

(NOTE: I also uploaded this on DA, but I wanted to share it with people who don't use it)


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