“If you've never seen an elephant ski, you've never been on acid.”

May 14, 2007 17:45

Oh, Eddie Izzard. *hearts* I love thee and thy hilarious standup shows.

Guess what? I'm an auntie again! My nephew Theo was born on Saturday, a week premature, and he's teeny-tiny with dark hair. I'm sure Beth-Annie was a lot bigger than he was when she was born. (She's a year old now.) It's funny, when he's hungry he doesn't cry like Beth did, he just squeaks. I'll have to post a photo when I get one.

I finally got off my ass and finished my second creative writing portfolio and my English Language workbook, so I handed those in at university on Friday. The resources room where you hand your work in is always too hot, I think they do it on purpose to stress you out. I actually really enjoy English Language seminars though, so it wasn't a real chore doing the workbook. I just find it really interesting how language works and how words are classified and all that shizz. I enjoy it a lot more than English Literature. *wince* It might help if I had time to read all the set texts, but with working and slacking, this time I've only read two of the books and I've had to read the summaries for the other ones. It's not my fault that Dance Dance Dance is a much more interesting book than Pamela: the Mary Sue Extraordinaire Virtue Rewarded.

Haruki Murakami writes such weird but wonderful books. I have Kafka on the Shore to read, but I haven't finished Dance Dance Dance yet. If you're interested, DDD is about an unnamed protagonist in his thirties who is plagued by dreams about The Dolphin Hotel, a seedy little place he stayed in with a prostitute when he was younger. He dreams that the woman is crying and calling out for him, so he decides to visit the Dolphin Hotel hoping that he'll see her again, only to find that the place has completely changed. I'll not give too much away, but there's a great cast of characters, including a surly teenage psychic called Yuki, a charming actor schoolfriend of the protagonist named Gotanda, a one armed poet, and a man dressed in a sheep costume who lives in an alternate dimension and talkslikethis.

I have manga to read, too. Read or Dream 3 and 4, Inuyasha 28 and 29, Fruits Basket 16, Skip-Beat 5 and 6, GTO 1, GTO: The Early Years 1, Millennium Snow 1... Looks like I'll have a lot to occupy me after my exams!

As my lovely Charli and Matt already know, I bought Pokemon Pearl last week. Yay for region freeness on handheld games consoles! I've got five gym badges so far, but at the moment I'm working on catching different Pokemon. I usually manage to catch loads of different kinds, but this time I've focused more on leveling the ones that I have instead. At the moment, I have Emporeon, Luxray, Ponyta, Roselia, Golduck and Staravia in my party. I'm working on evolving my Ponyta into Rapidash, but I've got a while to go yet. Something I really like about Pokemon Pearl is the Poketch. I find it really useful, especially the berry finder, 'cause I always forget where I plant my rare berries and then I can't find them. As of yet, I haven't played on Hotel Dusk, which I bought at the same time. I want to, but I have so many games on the go at the minute! I haven't even really played on FFXII 'cause I want to finish the other games I have first.

Right now though, I need to do my revision for my final exams next week. I'm gonna try taking some printouts to work and ask if I can go on complaints so I have time between calls to read through it. My last exam is on the 23rd of May, and Pirates of The Caribbean 3 comes out on the 24th, so yay. Methinks I'll be going to see it later than that though, 'cause I don't want to have to sit in cinema packed with stupid popcorn throwing teenagers who talk and giggle all the way through the film and distract me from my ogling of The Depp.

At least I can stare at Brian Molko without distraction - I bought Placebo's 2006 Rock am Ring concert DVD off eBay. I absolutely love their version of Running Up That Hill. On the Sleeping With Ghosts covers CD it's fabulous, but the live performance is so much better. Sends shivers down my spine, it does. Not a lot of songs do that for me. And Nancy Boy... oh, to be Brian's guitar during the third verse. I really hope they do another UK tour soon, or maybe perform at a festival in 2008 (I really want to go to a festival at some point next year. Not Glasto though, I'd rather go to Leeds. What do you think, Charli? Wanna go next year if there are any good bands on?)

fangirling, books, pokemon

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