Nocheat Update: New students at CCON (8th class!)

Nov 05, 2006 17:40

Ok, this is basically just an intro post to show the newest class of students going off to the Community College of Nocheat (CCON).

But, I had to visit Guiseppe and Benjamin DeTreville's house to gather up Artemis, so I played them a bit (since I had to wait until Artemis could get her grades up to get her scholarship).

"Hey, dad,my grades are back up now.  So I'm going off to college, right?"

Of course she does (you'll see her makeover in a few).

The thought of Artemis leaving (well, knowing she is leaving) makes Ben sad.  So, to cheer himself up he gets a parrot.

Meet Greybeard DeTreville.  Isn't he cute.

Ben likes to let him fly around the house.

Which makes me happy birds can neither crash into windows/mirrors and kill themselves nor poo all over things.  Though the occassional bird poo might be funny.  Hey, poo is funny, what can I say.

So Benny teaches Greybeard to talk, then spends an insane amount of time in deep conversation with him.

"So, I'm looking for a safe investment strategy."

"Well, the market is up for. . ."


"Gold?  Are you sure that's safe?"

"Don't be such a pansy, man.  I told you gold is the way to go.  Or you could invest in the defense industry."

"You mean BOMBS.  I don't know. . ."

"Hey, it's a sure fire money maker."

"Especially now, with our current administration."

"Look at all the money the vice president made working for. . ."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you.  I just don't know if I can, in good conscious, invest in weaponry."

"Oh, you're one of those "save the world" types, huh?"

"Well. . .what?  You think peace isn't attainable?"

*laughing*  "Bleeding heart."

"What did you say?"

"Me?  Nothing."

"What about something more. . .say. . .sustainable?"

*laughing*  "Tree hugger."

"I heard THAT.  That's it.  No more conservative talk radio for you."

"Just like a liberal to control the media. . ."

"Zip it or we'll get a CAT!"


Ok, now that I have that out of my system, time to see the new CCON students:

First up, Ms Artemis DeTreville.  I gave her the Whorlary Duff hair.  It looks very nice on her.  Such a lovely girl.


Levator Miguel.  He's Sophie Miguel's son with Count Cole Goldman.  I'm kind of hoping he'll hit it off with Artemis, but I think the fact that her hair is technically CUSTOM hair means she'll either have to get another makeover or Levator will need to have an aspiration change.

He is attracted to:

Lunar Rockette Laide.

Who we'll see close up:

I just couldn't change her hair/glasses.  They look so perfect on her.

And in the background your eye spied (I'm sure) both Angus Khillian and Off White.

Angus first:

I loved the outfit he transitioned into.  And putting hair on him just didn't work.  So I just got rid of his specs.  Time to see his big adorable alien eyes.

Seems Lunar Rockette likes his big cute alien eyes, too.  They are smitten.  Yes!

Now, Off White:

Va-va-va-voom.  I never knew he could be so cute.  His transition outfit was quite unfortunate.  This is MUCH better.

And last but certainly not least:

Willhelm DeTreville.  And (at least to me) he looks a lot like laridian's Terecito.  I tried to give him different hair, but no other hairdo looked right.  Then I put some glasses on him and realized I'd made a "mini Ter".  I was going to change it but Willhelm cheered after his makeover so who am I to interfere.  Oh, in case you were wondering, Willhelm is Maurice Extreme's son with Isadora DeTreville (surrogate mother, Willhelm was raised by Maurice and Arturo).

And that, ladies and gents, is the 8th class of CCON.


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