I could really give you a run for your money in the Crazy Cat Lady Olympics. LOL! And we'd join you there!!
We had 5 cats back in Chile (at one time, and about 8 in total since we got married), and we were constantly fostering strays and nursing litters. We had up 20 cats at some point! XD (counting a bunch of kittens, that is)
Of course that was back in Chile where the humane society is very small and under budget, and there isn't as much control on spaying/neutering pets as here in USA so there are lots of strays in the streets. It's also very common to find whole litters in abandoned house, or hidden between bushes in parks, and such. I can't even count how many times we had neighbor kids asking us to check a bunch of kittens somewhere to see if they had a mommy!cat or not, or just simply finding a anonymous donations of 5 kittens on our door! How can you say not to that!? XD It was exhausting but rewarding :) (and fortunately it was always easy to find families for the kittens once they were old enough. Usually the same neighbor kids or parents in my daughter's school would take them in.)
That is so great that you were able to help those cats and kittens in the way you did. I adopted my newest cat from a co-worker, he is about 11 weeks old and a holy terror. It has been so long since I had a kitten in the house (my other three are 11, 10, and 8 years old, I think. The last one was a stray so I really have no idea how old she is.) I forgot how crazy kittens can be; I haven't slept at all this week! I cannot imagine have more than one at a time. You are a much braver person than I!
LOL, The first night was a little rough, but things have gotten much better. The two girls get along well with the new little guy (Named Trout), but the big boy still has his nose out of joint. He wants nothing to do with the kitten. (well, except to hiss at him and whap his ears.)Fortunately nothing ever escalates past hissing, ear whapping, and the occasional theft of kitten food.
LOL! And we'd join you there!!
We had 5 cats back in Chile (at one time, and about 8 in total since we got married), and we were constantly fostering strays and nursing litters. We had up 20 cats at some point! XD (counting a bunch of kittens, that is)
Of course that was back in Chile where the humane society is very small and under budget, and there isn't as much control on spaying/neutering pets as here in USA so there are lots of strays in the streets. It's also very common to find whole litters in abandoned house, or hidden between bushes in parks, and such. I can't even count how many times we had neighbor kids asking us to check a bunch of kittens somewhere to see if they had a mommy!cat or not, or just simply finding a anonymous donations of 5 kittens on our door! How can you say not to that!? XD It was exhausting but rewarding :) (and fortunately it was always easy to find families for the kittens once they were old enough. Usually the same neighbor kids or parents in my daughter's school would take them in.)
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