Apr 22, 2011 10:37
It's no secret that the deaths of two of my cats has me all out of sorts (still!).
But I think I may have officially gone around the weird bend.
I want to keep their ashes (mixed together for space saving concerns) in a cat shaped urn (offered by the pet crematorium where Monte was prepared).
I'm being serious here. I want to keep my cats' ashes forever and ever and ever, right in my house in a little statue.
I have had a lot of pets in my day and never felt the need to keep their remains in my home in a knick-knack.
I think this officially makes me a Crazy Cat Lady.
And, being the Weirdo (yes, capitalized, I've graduated to that) that I am, I worry that they won't both fit in one urn so I'll have leftovers. Hell, I'm fairly certain they won't both fit in one urn and I'll have leftovers. So maybe I can have my ashes and bury them too? Stuff the urn with what will fit (making sure to fill it equally with each cat's ashes) and then have a funeral for the leftovers? I wanted to get a house tree (potted tree) and put their ashes in it but I'm so horrible with plants that I'd worry I'd kill the poor tree and then feel bad (like I poisoned it with cat ashes). So the urn and funeral combo seems the best choice.
So, would you keep (or are you currently keeping) pet ashes in your home? (or human ashes, for that matter)
cat children