For continuity's sake, I have to have this mini-Extreme update before others. It'll go quick, just grin and bear it.
I realized I slighted Joe Extreme, Marco's new hubby, in previous posts. So, here's a nice close up of him post make over.
Very cute. Marco has good taste in guys.
Joe even spends time with baby Huey.
He really wants to fit in with the family.
Soon, baby Huey is ready to become toddler Huey.
Don't blow out an 'O' ring, there, Joe. What a happy guy he is.
And here is where I'm a total dumbass and forgot to get a nice closeup of toddler Huey. He's semi ugly. I'll try to remember to get a snap of him. When he age transitioned the whole family was waiting in line to put him to bed, so I just couldn't get a good snap.
But here is why I had to have this mini update.
Mercy Laide is now a teen.
She's a romance sim and loves her mother's pink wig. She's going to be a fun sim, I can see that right now. I'm a bit dissappointed by how bland her looks are. I guess they can't all be ugly.