(Previously on:
THIS post will help you get back into the craziness that is the McCrackin household--where this update begins. For a quick refresher, the Soulja Girls are a gang founded by Inkberry Woodstock. They have just stumbled upon a great money making venture, selling bubble--a recreational drug discovered by Artemis DeTreville and
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You've given me the inklings of ideas for where to take Ang and Strangetown S9 next. I had some ideas, of course (for one, Ang's evolving and changing a bit... plus due to transition very soon...) Must ponder this a bit, and read back in both our sagas.
And the girl gang, with their bubble dealing. This seems a bit more insidious than Bean's innocent home-grown, even with the additives concocted at Shangri-Labs. Very interesting. I wonder if it's a different product altogether, though consumed in the same way...
You know, I'd written a bunch of notes on a drug used on Hyperion/Mnemosyne itself (the moon, not the Pansophical Automaton). I should go back over those too.
Anyhow (I know this is getting ramblesome) you've piqued my interest quite a bit. Soylent getting all wrapped up in Ivy's craziness. Jack's worry over her, and his escapism. Inkberry's involvement (and Duluth! I must interject a squeee over the cuteness of Duluth!) Very interesting indeed...
Speaking of sims and religion, have you seen this?
Bubble in Nocheat is a bit different from Bean's offering. It's extracted from plants as a liquid and then altered so it absorbs better (remember, that's Artemis specialty and she "discovered" bubble--Rocky took it from there in developing the blower for efficiency and making it collapsable for ease in transport). Not to spoil it, but bubble isn't exactly as safe as everyone thinks. And the Nocheat police department is NOT amused by the drug trade (especially when they realize it's sanctioned by Experience Woodstock/organized crime--there's a story there, too, I just know it).
DULUTH! He is so cute. I think it's really the hat/Hunter S. Thompson look (which goes so well with his bubble involvement). I've just about given up on my uglification challenge in Nocheat (Duluth is a non-heir) so it's nice to find something to do with some of those sims. Inkberry is a family sim, so there should be a brood of kids shortly.
I will say this: I have a nice series of pics of the first time Ang learned to teleport. Back in the days when the cult lived in a shack, he was impressed with the idea of levitating. So he learned to meditate and levitate, and then teleport. He looked so please with himself, too.
What that means for his personal spiritual development remains to be seen...
Thanks for the background on bubble... yes, that's definitely a different product. Bean's is home grown weed with Lotus's plant extracts added in. But she uses a process similiar to homeopathy, so it's harmless (except for being somewhat addictive to those who are sensitive to it, like Spud.)
I just now made that up about the homeopathic process. Hee.
DULUTH! And Inkberry... carrying on the Fortunado line. I hope the kids have his nose. :D
Hee hee, you just made up a story. That's how I write pretty much all of Nocheat!
I'll have to find a mini storyline for Fortunado. I've neglected him and Eugenia (and the twins, Lycra and SuperDuper) for too long!
The thing about Ang is he never bought into the whole robot in space thing. He's mostly using the cult for his own romance sim ends. As his father is using it to make money. So Ang is either looking at a change of heart re: the cult's beliefs, or his own interpretation of his new-found ability...
If I was running a brand new neighborhood (and didn't have my old babies to worry over) I'd load it up with this kind of stuff. (I love how the female version is all about The Children--made me snort).
I'm afraid of custom careers, too. It seems like there are too many parameters that the creator could screw up. It's not like custom clothes that if they don't work, they don't bork anything else. I guess I might use a custom career if I knew a lot of other players used it with no problems, but even then I'd be nervous.
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