So I'm planning on getting back into knitting and crocheting, because eventually I'd like to start making my own lace for when I make lolita. I think it will make it a little more special, and I'd be able to control the quality a little more. Plus it's really cool. Somebody asks where I got my lace, I say I made it, they go all "o.o you are amazing" and then I can say "awh shucks." (I should probably work on not being so proud... oops.) I also want to start spinning, because it seems like it would be fancy and stuff.
I can think of at least a dozen reasons to tie me knitting and crocheting and spinning to lolita. So it fits. Totally. :P
Anyway, I joined Ravelry, because it seems like it'll be a useful tool. Here I am! So if you have a ravelry, go ahead and add me! I won't bite. :)
I should probably work on laundry and my paper. Or at least the laundry.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas and New Year's! I didn't really make "resolutions" this year, just things to kinda stride for, like reading the bible and praying more, work out some more, finish some sewing projects, etc. I figure if I made it kind of vague, then it will be easier for me to do it, because any step in the right direction is progress and therefore keeping my goals.
Example: I posted my sewing goals. Even if I only complete one or two of those by the deadline, I at least finished something, instead of starting it and then just letting it sit and collect dust or whatever.
Alright, I'm going to start a playlist on youtube and get cracking on this essay. I'll write this next paragraph, then fold some laundry (switched loads over a couple of minutes ago) and avoid wasting time on lj, ravelry, fb, and twitter. Or any other random websites I come across... Or editing something unrelated to my paper.... or cleaning my room... or yelling at the boys...
this is getting silly. Sorry ladies and gentlemen!
So on a parting note, here is something cute I found:
Twilight, by Dr. Seuss
Jake likes a girl. Her name is Bella.
Bella likes a different fella.
See this vamp? This is Ed.
Ed is pale. Ed is dead.
Ed saved Bella from a van.
Ed must be a special man.
Ed won't kill boys. He won't kill girls.
Ed gets fed on deer and squirrels.
This is James. He's a tracker.
He's a sort of vamp attacker.
James hunts Bella for a thrill.
Will Ed kill him? Yes, he will.
But James gave her a little bite.
Will she be a vamp? She might!
Edward fixes Bella's cut.
She won't be a vampire.
She becomes one. Read some more.
She's a vampire in book 4.