This was what my first husband's dorm room looked like. It nearly scared me away from him. I felt like running back home to never speak to him again when I first saw this room. I am a neat freak, right?
He worked at Whittier college as a media coordinator which meant that he just assisted the coaches and professors with mike set ups, sound, equipment, tvs, films, anything that would help aid their lessons.
He had already graduated from this college with a BA in history and physical education.
I thought it over and said if I run away from this guy, I'd still be needing to run away from alot more drama which tops this crap.
It was hard to get my wish. I wanted so much, a house that looked like those Ladies' Home Journal, Women's Day, Better Homes And Gardens, and House Beautiful magazines that my mum used to buy. I would spend hours staring at the pictures of beautiful homes and then draw my dream homes and how I wished they looked. I wanted so much, a clean, neat, organized, uncluttered, stylish home which my mum never could seem to conjure up even though she bought all of those magazines. What was that all about then? I wondered. Our furniture, if there were any, came from either other people's basements or some garage sale. Clutter followed me around everywhere I went. I am now fighting a major battle of banishing clutter and letting go of things that I CAN live without. The less I have, the easier it will be for me. I am totally lost in a never ending sea of clutter.
Here is my lovely Princess now out in the outback just like her mum.