Sep 18, 2012 20:25
Wow, so much has changed since my last depressing post. I am back in the
And I am succeeding!
I let myself get back up to 176.4lbs (yikes!). It doesn't sound THAT bad,
but for someone my height, it is extremely unhealthy. My boyfriend (now
fiancée!), showed me this app that he got for his iphone (but any smart
phone users or pcs can access the program) called Fitocracy. This is
PERFECT for anyone needing some form of support, or needs help making
goals, or someone having a hard time putting down the controller and
getting your butt in gear! Think of this as a real life MMO. There are
different groups you can join (from weight loss support to gamers getting
fit, local groups, general chat, people who have pets, etc). Sometimes
these groups have some really fun challenges to participate in! This
program doesn't track food or calories or anything, but I have pretty much
completely taken sugar out of my diet, I generally eat really healthy now
so I don't worry about it too much.
Anyways, you track any physical activity that you choose to do, not what
you HAVE to do. You are not to keep track of the physical activities you do
at work, or any chores you have to do. This encourages you to start NEW
activities. Whether it be just taking the stairs instead of the elevator,
or walking to and from work instead of taking the bus, or heaven forbid you
start working out.
This is what happened to me lol. Everything you track gets you "experience
points". The harder the activity and the longer you do it, the more
experience you get. And of course, the more experience points you get, you
level up. And each level requires more and more experience points. You can
make your profile as private or public as you like. The only info people
will see is your age and user name, a display pic, and height. your weight
is private, but you can include it in your info if you so choose. Some do,
some don't.
There are also quests and achievements you can collect. Most people that
know anything about me, know that I am an "achievement whore" (someone who
needs to collect EVERY trophy, achievement or badge in a game, no matter
how ridiculous the challenge). This part alone got me hooked. I've been
doing activities I've never dreamed of trying (I can officially say that I
have tried yoga, squats, and am currently a proud owner of a year
membership at a gym!) Within just over a week of registering there, I met
my first weight goal of being under 170. That is over 6lbs in just over a
week. I have also been doing a TON of reading on lifting and how to prepare
myself for it. That and I drink at LEAST 4L of water per day now. I used to
drink... maybe a glass per day? maybe?
This evening as I was doing some lunges, I started feeling burns in muscles
I never even knew existed! I can actually see changes, so far only in my
upper legs. Some change is better than no change though! I plan to get some
fat pictures of myself, get some measurements, and track my weight.
For the longest time I was using the excuse that I needed someone to do
this with me to keep me motivated. Fitocracy has over 70,000 members that
keep me motivated. There are leader boards where you can see where you rank
overall, or where you rank compared to your gender. People can follow you
and you can follow people, so people can see how other people are doing,
comment on peoples workouts, and give props (the equivalent of
facebook 'likes', but you get achievements the more props you get!). I have
read so many people's stories of them losing hundreds of pounds just with
willpower. This inspires me to no end, and encourages me to do just one
more set even if I am ready to drop dead from exhaustion.
If any of you guys are Fitocrats, look me up! Username: FrostyTheFrench