no rest for the wicked.

Oct 25, 2005 01:22

well, it's been a very long and busy week.
i wont' get into the details of it all.. but i started a new job.. going well.. really busy... makes the days go fast.. and i work with really cool people.

besides that...
Kink has been heavily involved in mine and Eliese's life for hte past little while now... for instance, Warren, one of the directors and camera dudes, he hangs here a lot..f or various things .interviews, me doing the dishes, and now he's coming to my grad (with film crew), he came to a Wohedness jam, with his video camera, he's gonna come with me to the dentist.. while i get surgery.. unfortunately.. he isn't allowed to film the actual surgery. and although it's really hectic.. i'm really enjoying it... he's a great guy.. really fun to have around, and well.. hahaha. i'm gonna be famous bitch! both eliese and I.

well anyways, back to today.

I got up at 6am. Showered, made coffee, got dressed and was out the door by 630am. got to work by about 645 and began working. Worked my ass off and i'm sore as fuck, and got home from work at 430. Had to go to the grocery store, clean up the apartment, make some wicked halloween cookies... make some deviled eggs. and prepare for a play piercing demo, with a guy named Don, who was the shit!.

so Eliese, myself, babbitt, pike, krista, domina, and the film crew from kink, and some of domina's buds were there, and we all got pierced.. some of us muliple times.. and some the crew got to pierce babbitt. Yes.. babbitt was our guiney pig. and what a good little piggy he was. He had nine needles in his ribs.. well in his side, by his ribs. He had four on one side.. and 5 on the other. Krista pierced two of those (she never pierced someone before) and Domina pierced two of 'em (neither did she).

Congrats to babbitt for being such a wicked fucking sport.. and very entertianing.

Eliese was next on the chopping block.. or well... you know what i mean. She got her cleavage done... and it turned out really nice. Don pierced her.. and krista threaded the needle so that when don took out the needle... there was a pierce of black thread left in, so she tied on a nice piece of jewelery to the thread.. and she's gonna keep it for as long as she can.

I wasn't gonna get pierced... didn't feel like it.. but i said fuck it. Just ONE! i said.. in my arm.. (i had to konw what getting your arm pierced felt like) so he did one.. and it was painless.. and without me having a chance to really object.. he did the second.. and then the third. It was fun though.. next time i'm gonna do more!

then pike was next at bat.. he had two in his hands.. one b/w his thumb and forefinger.. one on his pinky finger knuckle.. and the third on the back of his neck.

This entry could have turned out a lot better.. and i hope that eliese may update.. so that she can explain it further.. and with more structure.. i'm wiped and need to sleep.
so heres a few pics.. to help explain my story..

Me getting pierced

third one going in!

all done and happy!

Eliese's turn!




and this is me, eliese and don before he left.

i'll most likely post some pic's of pike and babbitt and others from the party.. jsut not tonight.. too tired. .need sleep...

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