Somewhere in Kansas City, there is a woman with a genuine, literal,
bullet-proof weave. I'm waiting to see this in a Marvel comic, myself.
And, lacking any other content, I give you
my cat.
This is Lucy. She is not as smart as she looks.
(I say, just before she steals a single spaghetti noodle off my plate and runs off with it. Ngar!)
She is totes stealthy, though.
She hangs out in her carrier willingly...for now.
Here she sneaks up on the yarn while cunningly disguised as a backpack.
Unfortunately she is no match for the incomplete sweater.
She liked it fine while I was casting on, though. Or maybe it's just my boob. I can't tell.
Here, we see the saga of her interaction with the envelope in which
lofro sent my Christmas present. (The address is blurred because the pictures are public.)
On the front of Things That Are Not My Cat:
This is a ditch near my college. It allows us to quite clearly see just how much snow fell this winter, since nobody's walked along the cut edge to trample anything down.
These are some stairs about two blocks from my apartment. You may be able to tell there are three of them. However, the third one appears to have been slightly, um, eaten.
In case you doubted my honesty earlier.
Skating date with students made and canceled again on account of it is THREE outside. May be time to curl up with the Puddlejumper and relieve the glory of Firefly for
xenelle's commission fic.