OMG so much FOOD. We went to my aunt's house and ate with all her family (meaning I had to put up with bratty teens I'm not even related to, and listen to her brother expound on how gun-control legislation causes Lyme disease) but the food was SO GOOD, and then afterwards all the females in house above drinking age played this brilliant and extremely complicated card game called Head and Foot. I was on a team with my aunt and my cousin and we were trying to plan strategy in Spanish. My aunt's mom is a regular card shark.
And what made it extra special is my sister was here!
mildred_pierce came up from Cape last night and we played Scrabble and complained about the Food Network, and I crochets a bunch of socks (and she has a ball of yarn BIGGER THAN MY HEAD OMG). She knit a great scarf while we were at the party and then we all came home and have been watching zombie movies on the Sci-Fi channel. They're awfully postmodern, those zombie movies, aren't they? At least vampire movies get to be kinda sexy in the process.
(We also watched part of Army of Darkness; my dad came in partway through and just didn't get it, even when I tried to explain that the Deadite lord was Bruce Campell's doppelganger resulting from a complicated slapstick sequence involving midgets.)
Tomorrow my mom's taking me to Michael's for yarn, and I might also ask to go find a nice heavy skirt I can wear to Wicked on Saturday; I'm just scared of what the shopping will be like. Maybe if we wait until late afternoon the worst will have passed...::crosses fingers::