A Shifting Destination (Iron Lady/Armor Up Multimix) is ST:Reboot fic, Jim/Lady!Bones, 10,300 words goddamn and a remix of
Five Steps On a Path to a Shifting Destination by
azephirin. Who, incidentally, needs ALL THE REVIEWS on Ao3 because also goddamn.
This was The Fic That Ate My Life. Or at least, My Weekend, because I had a rough draft I wasn't happy with and then I talked to
linnet_melody and it started making ALL THE SENSE, except I had to go back and add all kinds of things, and then the whole song-titles thing started, and and and ::flail:: I offered this fandom on a lark, not really expecting to be matched on it because I've never really written it before, just devoured the wonderful fic of
thistlerose and
abigail89, so it was scary even starting this and I didn't really have a good handle on the characters. But feedback has been positive! I'm excite!
I am eternally grateful to
musesfool for running the fest, for not defaulting me when I had just a paragraph of placeholder text uploaded, and generally being a wonderful and patient modly being for the past ten years. <3
(Not crossposted 'cause I'ma put the fic itself up on DW in a minute.)