Title: Infernal Debt, Chapter #23: Life and death
Author: Mel aka
mad_about_danGenre: Gen
Rating: PG-13, violence and cursing.
Timeline: Post-No rest for the wicked
Wordcount: 1487
Disclaimer: Nope, I do not own the boys or Supernatural. It belongs to the CW, WB and Eric Kripke.
Summary: It has been a month since Dean's death and Sam has had to find the stenght inside him to keep on fighting as Dean asked him to. So he finds himself on a quest against time to find Lilith and with her a way to bring his brother back to life.
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sweetgirl7808Sam remained silent, his body completely num, wile his senses were on edge. Where was he? He couldn’t remember well what had happened; all he was sure of at the moment was of his head hurting as if a knife had just being incrusted in it. Suddenly, at the distance, voices began to rise.
“What have I done?” Sam could distinguish the words among vague whispers.
“It wasn’t you” a second voice replied “He did this to himself”
“What do you mean ‘he did this to himself’? what the hell are you talking about?”
“Sam is not dead… yet” there was a brief pause “but he might be soon”
“Yet?!” Sam could now distinguish Dean’s voice, sand and devastated “he can’t!, I-I won’t let that happen. Just tell me what the hell is happening, I’ll find a way out”
“He’s dying” Mia whispered “But for now I won’t say more, both of you deserve explanations and I plan to give them to you as soon as you are both safe and awake” she sighed “Now, Sam, wake up”
Immediately Sam could feel a sensation of warmth surround him, then with a deep breath he opened his eyes.
“Sam!” Dean gasped as he helped him sit straight and put a hand on the side of his face.
Sam’s sight was still blurry, so he blinked repeatedly as fast as his heavy eyelids allowed him to until he was able to see more clearly. Dean’s face was barely inches away from his, Sam couldn’t help but feel the joy fill every part of his body, Dean was back to being himself, but on the other hand it was hard not to notice Dean’s physical condition. There was a bruise on his right cheekbone dust covering his hair and his eyes looked really tired, almost as if he had aged five years since the last time they saw each other. Sam simply half smiled and with a great effort lifted his hand to rest it on Dean’s shoulder.
“Sam” Mia said breaking the silence and making Sam slowly turn his head towards her “How many?”
Mia, just like Dean, was covered with dust, she also had an injury on her forehead heali8ng so quickly it already looked at least a month old, the previous wounds had now being erased from her pale skin. She was arm crossed and had her eyes reflected on Sam’s apologetically, just like a doctor about to perform a hurting procedure on the weakest of patients.
“What?” Sam said in a low husky voice.
“How many demons, Sam?”
Immediately Sam’s mouth fell open just as he looked down.
“Demons?” Dean said confused as he turned to look at Mia “What are you talking about?”
“Sam’s powers are far from gone, Dean” Mia continued “It’s the whole opposite, they are stronger than ever. Not only can he move things and have visions, he can control demons now”
Dean turned to look at him slowly just as his eyebrows touched in a deep frown. All this time he had been worried about not hurting Sam, about protecting him from Dean’s own self, so concentrated on controlling his own ferocity that he had totally missed what was going on in front of his eyes.
“What exactly is happening to him?” Dean said emphasizing each word separately.
“He is dying” Mia repeated, her eyes were focused on Sam even thought he was talking to Dean “he didn’t control his powers and ended up absorbing the demons instead of destroying them, now they are killing him… from his inside”
Immediately Dean’s eyes widened as the imagine of the demon almost escaping from that old motel came back to him, that’s why they just found the vessel, Sam had absorbed the actual demon.
Sam half opened his mouth but as he felt how dry his throat was decided it would be better to save his last breath for when he would need it the most.
Dean immediately looked down just as he felt his heart coming to a sudden halt and a feeling of emptiness grew inside his chest. He sighed just as he pressed the palm of his hand against his face desperately, still not able to believe all this had happened so fast.
“Sam” Mia continued “How many?”
Sam took a Dean briefly and then back at Mia “Four”
“Ok, Dean, I know this is hard for you-” Mia began.
“Just tell me what to do” he looked up “I’ll do it”
Mia nodded and continued “I need you to hold him with all your strength, he’ll need as much support as he can get” as she said this Mia took a step back and separated her feet standing up more firmly “Sam this is like nothing you’ve experienced before” she made a pause “The… demons have spread around your body, the normally don’t-”
“Get to the damn point!” Dean yelled with a shaky voice and then looked down “he’s just getting weaker” he whispered.
Dean could see how Sam’s body swayed from one side to the other briefly as if he could no longer hold himself on place.
“The demons have reached his bones, so I’m gonna tear them out” she said firmly “but it’ll hurt a lot”
“There must be another way” Dean shook his head “He won’t take it”
“I’ll do it!” Sam’s voice was really low, even lower than he expected, merely a rough whisper.
Dean and Mia turned towards him.
“I’ll be fine” he said looking at Dean straight in the eye “This is my choice”
Dean stood motionless and finally nodded slightly, still looking unpleased and heartbroken. Stubbornness and decision were the only emotions reflected on Sam Winchester’s eyes as he was about to face the most awful pain he had ever imagined.
“Let’s do it, then” Mia said as she took a deep breath “Don’t worry, you’ll just feel it for a couple of seconds. Ready?”
Sam let his head fall down in an attempt to nod; his muscles were no longer moving so he found it impossible to pull it back up. Immediately Dean stood up and helped him get o his feet, for an instant Sam felt as if he was about to crumble to the ground because of the weight of his own body, he swayed forward but his brother’s arms quickly caught him. Dean was now standing right behind him and had his arms wrapped tightly around Sam’s torso keeping him up and making it unable for him to move his arms.
“It’s gonna be ok, Sammy” Dean whispered on his ear.
Sam closed his eyes just as he felt a burning sensation numb his extremities, it started out in the tip of his toes and fingers but quickly spread to his ankles and forearms. He felt desperation build up inside his chest as he felt just as if he was being burned alive but in the same time was too weak to lift a finger about it. Sam’s jaw clenched just as he felt a tear of pain run down the side of his left cheek.
“It’ll be fine, Sam, you can do this just-” he could hear Dean whisper from behind, Sam couldn’t hear the rest of the phrase, the pain was now blocking his senses , as if everything around him had just being erased. Sam felt the urge to scream just as he felt claws sinking deep into his flesh and tearing the skin off his body. He felt the claws moving fast, reaping more and more of his body crawling up his arms and legs, quickly reaching his torso. He took a deep breath but his lungs instantly shrieked as if they were being slashed into pieces, but then when he less expected it the claws reached his heart, and the most excruciating pain Sam could have ever imagined hit him, he had to be bleeding out by now, even when he couldn’t see or feel a thing he was sure about that. His heart had topped just like his lungs, he was now trapped, meant to die inside his own body. Was this how it felt like dying? Cause he just had to be dead by now, Sam doubted there could exist a higher level of pain than the one he was currently at. Time had stopped for him right in the second his heart had stopped beating, it was hard to tell for how long had he been like this, senseless and lost, maybe second, hours or even days as everything seemed t have disappeared along with his own life.
Suddenly the pain disappeared from his extremities just as the ground began to shake under his feet, gaining intensity by the second; then he felt something jump inside his chest, so strongly it shook him completely, a pump closely followed by a second and a third one.
“His heart is beating again”