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May 29, 2006 17:55

so....I get to do my room in Wyoming.....and...I'm stuck!!!....I was debating Disney or Blacka nd White theme...and I'm preety set on BLack and white right now....and I'm lookin at pics...and I dunno if I wanna go with an old times theme....like.."kiss the war gooodbye" and the guys eating on the Empire State Building...and maybe a lil from the Roaring 20's or the 50's....or maybe some really good Great Deperession pictures...ooooooooorrrrrrr....a music theme...cause ive seen some really good pics of instruments and other music stuff....i mean...its not like i couldnt do one there and then the other at my apt that i hope i can get SECOND SEMESTER!! YEA YEA!!! THE RENTS TOLD ME I NEEDED TO!...and provided i get the social security stuff fixed...but *sigh*...all comments are appreciated!

then again...i kinda like a world theme..like black adn white pics from africa....or maybe a city theme...that would be really cool...or...brides...there are aklways good pics of bridges....landscapes...but thats a lil less origional...and not as fun...or interesting to me...ive akso kinda been lookin at little kid pics...like you know...precious moments...where the little kids are kissin....they hae a lot of cute ones...
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