Title: Game Junkie
Pairing: DaiRyuu? brotherhood fic. Daiki-centered
Genre: Crack.
Author: Macy (
macymacymacy )
-UNBETAed, another random thought.
Daiki starred at his late Christmas gift.
Really, Ryuu is worrying him.
Ryuu... he became a complete game junkie...
Daiki was sure Yabu was worried about the young boy's health as well.
During their breaks, he'd immediately go play with his new DS. He'd purchased the latest DS, the one with 3D.
Daiki knew this phase would pass but still, it was worrying. Hikaru said to just ignore it but really, how can they ignore this? What if Ryuu became a complete otaku?
Daiki shivered. That was not a good thought.
Ryuu... why did he became like that??
He even stopped fighting with Yama-chan or Shintaro just to play.
Daiki sighed. What would they do with Ryuu?
It seems all he cares about are games. He was using his savings to buy NDS (games for his DS).
Shintaro even complained that Ryuu had been neglecting their dog, Chii.
And it's the same with the real Chii.
Chii actually sulked for about two days because Ryuu wouldn't let him sit on his lap cause he was playing.
Yama-chan tried many many many things so he could start a fight with Ryuu but it was all ignored. Well, except when he tried to snatch his DS away. Ryuu actually hit him.
This resulted to both Yuto and Keito scolding the guy but all their words ended up on deaf ears.
After that the boys started asking for BEST's help regarding the matter.
Takaki actually tried to talk to Ryuu. They talked for a looong time, they were actually hoping he'd reach the guy but when they entered the room where they were it was to find Takaki playing with Ryuu on his DS.
And now even Takaki bought his own DS.
Inoo tried next. But then the same thing happened. He fell in love with Nintendogs and even invited Yama-chan along.
Now all four of them are playing the stupid game.
Well, Ryuu is playing another game this time. He'd been switching every once in a while. At first he was blabbing about how cool 'The World Ends With You' was but then he finished the game and then bought another one. It was 'Harvest Moon.' He finished that one, too and switched to Nintendogs. Maybe he had grown tired of that, too.
Daiki looked at his Christmas gift once more.
It was from Ryuu.
He sighed.
He was really worried about the guy.
Ryuu said it was a late gift cause he had to search around so he could find this very gift.
Daiki sighed again.
He looked at his gift again.
It was a mushroom. It had a red cap with white spots and an orange stem. There was even two eyes drawn on it.
It seems Ryuu is playing the classic 'Super Mario Bros' right now.
He sighed again. Is Ryuu okay???
Really, does he think he'll suddenly grow big if he eat this like Mario????
'I hope this helps. :)' The card says.
Daiki groaned. He really don't know if he wanted to pity the guy or whacked him in the head.
Just because he's tall!!!!
-just want to point out that in Mario Brothers, when he take a red mushroom he'll become big. lol. so in other words Ryuu wanted to help Daiki become big. /whacked.
by the way this is cool:
it's a cake! xD
Thanks for reading! :D
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