Title: Code
Genre: Romance, Angst
Pairing: Kuroda Seira (Shida Mirai) x Tanaka Ainosuke (Yamada Ryosuke)
macymacymacy Beta:
crescentharpe &
gwynfryd Summary: Sometimes, we encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken. --Fydor Dostoevsky
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: the song 'Code' is obviously not mine, and translation credits goes to
debbie_chan AN:
koigaii-AU and OOC
-first time writing a dorama & crossover fic.
-a bit of a leap from the last chapter.
I will take away every little thing that saddens you
Chapter 2
Kusama Shuhei sleepily took a glass and filled it with water.
He groped for his toothbrush, placed some tooth paste on it and started brushing his teeth.
He had been out till late last night since there was a bit of trouble at work.
He heard some noise from outside, and he peeked out through his kitchen window.
It was Ainosuke. Shuhei tried to blink his sleep away.
"Ai-chan!" he called.
Ainosuke looked up. He knew at once who had called it. He was the only one who calls him, 'Ai-chan.'
"Shuhei-kun!" He called back, smiling.
He saw Shuhei wipe his mouth and then poke his head out the window.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Hospital." Ainosuke said simply.
Shuhei looked worried.
Ainosuke smiled at him. "Don't worry. I'm just visiting. I don't have any appointment today. I told you I'll let you come, right?"
Shuhei was still frowning but nevertheless, he nodded.
"Well, be careful!" He said.
"Ah." Ainosuke said, nodding. "Ittekimasu!"
Shuhei watch his best friend go, still frowning.
He really is very worried for his friend.
But after a while, he did smile.
"Ai-chan really looks happy whenever he visits that Seira."
Shoji Masami smiled as she looked down the hospital ground.
She looked back inside the room. Her smile falters a bit as she looked at Seira-san staring blankly at Kaito-san.
Kaori tapped her quietly. She gave her a questioning look.
But Masami didn't need to answer for at that moment Seira-san stood up.
She smiled at her friends.
"I'll go out for a bit." She said.
The two only nodded.
Seira moved to the door and before leaving, she looked at Kaito-san once more as if saying she'll be back.
As the door close Kaori spoke.
"Tanaka-san is here again?" she asked Masami.
Masami nodded.
Kaori sighed. "I don't know... I don't think this is a good thing."
Masami frowned at her.
"Why is that?" she asked.
"It's just... it's as if Seira-san is using Tanaka-san as her escape... Don't you think so?" She asked Masami.
"Well..." Masami pursed her lips. "Isn't it okay to breathe even just for a bit? She's always trying to be strong; trying to act tough even in front of us. She's pretending what's happening is not breaking her." she said.
Masami knew Seira; she knew what she was trying to do. Others don't understand her, those nurses were proof, but Seira is always thinking of the others first before herself.
"Hmmm..." Kaori frowned in thought.
"Seira-san looks the most alive when she's with Tanaka-san."
Ainosuke stood up as the door to the rooftop opened.
He smiled. It was Seira.
She also gave him a small smile and made his way towards him.
"Konnichiwa." She greeted.
Ainosuke made a little bow in response.
"Appointment today?" Seira asked.
"Just with you..." Ainosuke said, smiling.
Seira smiled. She didn't understand herself, but having met Tanaka-san was really a big help to her.
His friendship was a big comfort. Maybe it was because all her other friends had known Kaito and all of them seemed to look at her in pitying eyes. But Tanaka-san... he looks at her just as her. Not as Seira, the big donor; not Seira, the modern princess; not as Seira, the poor orphan and especially not as Seira, the poor princess slowly being left alone by her prince.
She knew he must know her situation, but she could feel his sincerity with his friendship.
It was as if he could understand her. Understand all her pain as if he could feel them as well.
"Tanaka-san... I just realized... I don't know much about you." She said as both of them look up to the sky.
"Hm?" Ainosuke sounded.
Seira looked at him. "Well, we've talked a lot of times now but you've always just asked about me." She said. "I mean, I don't even know why you were confined here last time."
Ainosuke just smiled.
"It's nothing special. Just something about my eye. I've had eye transplant years ago, you see. It just acted up..." Ainosuke said feeling very comfortable sharing this to Seira.
Seira nodded. "You said you had a dog?"
"Ah..." Ainosuke agreed. "Her name is Rin. Maybe I could bring her some other time." He said.
"I'd love that."
Ainosuke only grinned.
They were quiet for a while.
"How is he?" Ainosuke asked quietly.
"The same." Seira said just as quietly.
Another pause.
"How are you?" He asked this time.
She smiled. "I'm not okay, honestly. But right now, I'm feeling better. Besides, I've got to be strong, ne? You said that last time."
"I know it's not my place. I'm practically a stranger to you and I know you must have heard this thousand of times before from your friends but, you've got to be strong."
Seira smiled at the memory. That time she had been very cold to Tanaka-san. She had expected him, as the others did, to judge her as being a snob, spoiled princess. But instead, he had understood her. A complete stranger had understood her. He had known she was slowly breaking inside. He had known she needed his help.
"That's right." He said, chuckling a bit. He honestly didn't know where that came from.
"Thank you." She said and then she stood up.
Ainosuke looked at her. He knew she was going back.
"Tanaka-san I---" But she was cut off as the door banged opened.
It was one of Seira's friends.
"Seira-san! It's Kaito-san!"
They had run down to Kaito's room.
It was as if everything was in fast forward but at the same time, going in slow motion.
There were doctors around Kaito. His heartbeat was quickly decreasing.
It was noisy but it was as if Ainosuke could hear a buzzing noise, muting all other sounds.
He watched as the line turned flat.
Watched as the doctors tried to bring him back.
Watched as Seira just stared, blank, still and lifeless.
He felt as if he was a ghost.
He felt numb. And he couldn't understand why. He didn't even know the guy.
And then he looked back at Seira. Still, she was just staring.
He touched her. But she didn't seem to feel anything.
And then that flat tone.
Shoji-san started crying to Mizushima-san.
And that was the only thing Ainosuke could hear.
He watched as the doctor bowed to Seira in apology.
Still, she was just staring.
Now Ainosuke felt scared. What happened to her?
But then he felt her hand on his.
She was holding him tight, as if she would be lost if she let go.
He didn't know what to do so he just squeezed her hand.
To be continued...
Tanaka Ainosuke - Yamada Ryosuke (Hidarime Tantei EYE)
Kuroda Seira - Shida Mirai (Shokojo Seira)
Kusama Shuhei - Nakajima Yuto (Engine)
Mizushima Kaori - Kutsuna Shiori (Shokojo Seira)
Shoji Masami - Okamoto Anri (Shokojo Seira)
Miura Kaito - Hayashi Kento (Shokojo Seira)
Correlation Chart
here Thanks for reading!