May 21, 2009 22:28
yesterday i sat at our new place from 8 am until 3pm waiting for the fIOS installer. she finally showed up and thankfully it only took about an hour. we got home lalte tuesday from colorado and wed. i got up early (before ely) to pack up the tv's and computers to take them to the new place for the installation. i brought along the wireless router just in case they didn't provide one. at least i thought it was the router. turns out it was the modem. so now we are modem-less at home b/c i left it at our new place which is about 30 mins away. i haven't really had time to use the computer but i would like to write about colorado before time gets away from me. and i hate updating my lj on my phone like now. it gives me something to do while i pump. i'm almost finished packing. i hate packing.