It's been a while

Nov 06, 2006 16:37

OK, it's been a while since I've posted, so here's a quick update:

I celebrated Samhain first with my Circle then with the UofT group... happy belated Samhain to all! :)

In other news, I gave my "Sacred Stories" talk for Hellenic Way on the 4th. To suit the audience, I cut out some of the really academic matter from the middle, and then framed it with a bit of Greek Material - starting with Homer (and Demodocus) as story tellers, and ending (after telling several Celtic tales) with the story of Apollo and Daphne. Afterward, I stayed out way too late with the host/organizer conversing over berverages.

Overall... Still tired, still poor... but other than that, life is good. The work at the hospital is incredibly challenging, and demands a degee of emotional openness that is both taxing and satisfying. It requires a whole other way of being; a way of being with others, which good history, good theology, or good ritual, however delicious, does not (on its own) cultivate.

Gotta run ;)
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