Aug 28, 2006 02:03

My loyalties are wavering. Went to Stratford yesterday for the Henry Vi's and oh my god how wonderful they were. I saw them in 2001 with same director Michael Boyd and the same York (Clive Wood) and Talbot (Keith Bartlett) but this was amazing and I am so excited.

They were performed in the Courtyard Theatre, the prototype new theatre whilst they renovate the RST. The RST will be designed like the courtyard with galleries and thrust stage and it will be beautiful!! Red uphostalary pale beech wood a bit like the swan but bigger and I loved every inch of it. I actually got a gentle scold from Dominic today at Globe for enthusing quite so enthusiastically but I am smitten with the space and the excitement from the audience and the company.

The same company are going to do the second tetrology in 2008 but in the meantime are doing Henry VI 1 2 and 3 and what can I say? Flying on ropes, ghosts vengence and blood - so much blood more than titus at the Globe but used to Literally blood curdlingly effect, Richard of Gloucester (Jonathan Slinger), Clive Wood as mesmerising York, Patrice naimamba and Chuk Iwici as colour-blind Warwick and Henry VI - I loved every minute!!!! More tomorrow when I have calmed down a bit.

Tonight was In Extremis at the Globe first night - the story of Abelard and Heloise it was funny sad tragic and cleaver - I thought it would be horrendous and I actually wanted to stay in Stratford but it was to be laura's last eve at Globe and I am so glad we left Stratters early to get to town to see it. It was very funny and powerful and I have to admit that for once I liked John Dove's direction
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