Today's been so uneventful. I had a really odd night (sleepwise) and now today's been like this weird, downer day. Eh, whatever.
So theres a Tuesday Memo site now....
http://tuesdaymemo.tripod.comYou should all check it out, and check us out at the Acton Jazz Cafe next saturday, March 5th from 2-5. almost over...except for this weekend, but I'm pretty much booked all weekend. Pretty good vacation overall though...absolutely awesome State Radio show last Friday, even with the waiting in the cold and the bruises. Oh hoho and then good time bowling on stuff. Oh, and did I mention how much I love Panara bread? I wish there was in Acton, cuz that it some good stuff. Yeah...
So everyone who hasnt, should go see Hotel Rwanda as soon as they can. It's a really good representation of what happened in Rwanda ten years ago, and is still going on throughout the world, most notably in Sudan. Anyway, check it out, it's sad, but well worth it.
Alright I'm out.