character info (for witchesreign)

May 28, 2010 10:37

OC or AU: OC.
Character Name: Einiona Canning.
Gender: F.
Age: 15.
Requested Sponsor: Ruby. (More suited for Sapphire or Topaz, however.)
Actual Sponsor: Sapphire!
Appearance: The most striking feature people notice about Einiona upon first meeting her, aside from the part where she never shuts up, is the full-arm bandage covering her left arm, as well as the way it crooks slightly a little under halfway down the lower arm. If they're really observant, they'll also have time to notice her last two fingers are malformed and curled in on themselves like half a fist, but usually they won't have time before she's shoved herself in their faces, a bundle of interested noises and completely unkempt black hair, her brown eyes a distressing combination of totally focused and bugged out in wonder all at once.

She is ever shoving her hair out of her face; it always falls back in her eyes anyway. Its ragged edges and total lack of style are due to her persistence in cutting her own hair despite not having enough manual dexterity in her hands to make being precise anything other than hard work combined with her own disinterest in working hard on her hair. In direct opposition to her unkempt hair, she tends to dress blatantly girly and like she comprehends fashion, which one can only assume is not her fault and should not be held against her.

Also likely to be spotted in Einiona's general vicinity: a glove-like covering for her mangled hand capable of holding an assortment of tools her working fingers don't have the ability to grasp on their own, a toolbelt stocked with tools for the grip she wears over her mangled hand, and some half-assembled monstrosity she's been interrupted from working on by the presence of people.

Her PB is Kanbaru Suruga from Bakemonogatari.
History: Einiona is an OC originally from a private RP located at campkismet.

Einiona is the middle child in an extremely fucked up but loving family. In other news, she's also Welsh.

She comes from a fairly largeish extended family and a fairly tight-knit immediate family as a result of nearly every generation having loads and loads of babies: her immediate family consists of seven six children in total, four girls (in order of age, oldest to youngest: Catrin and Crierwy, Einiona, Meredith), three two boys (Caradoc, Eilir, Gwilym), and they don't talk about the one who died in the car accident that left Einiona's left arm mangled and her mother with a limp for the rest of their lives; no, they don't talk about Eilir except for how they do, in all the awkward silences and uncomfortable glances.

Einiona is also the only one of her living siblings not to be her father's biological child (and thus, a Canning instead of a Carew like the others), for reasons boiling down to "my parents are bloody morons and - well, they're less stupid now, if you're catching me", and hilariously this makes her special in more than just the sense of having black hair where everyone else has brown: Einiona's mum accidentally ("accidentally") slept with a Greek god (Hephaestos, if you're asking) while she was recovering from the traumatic experience of being married for the first time and well uh. Eventually that sort of thing catches up to you, namely the part where one day her family found itself terrorized by a homicidal goat-man and Einiona turned the household XBox 360 into a railgun and shot a hole in the goat-man.

Trust the narrative on this: the goat-man was as surprised as everybody else.

Of course, railguns aren't licensed firearms in the United Kingdom, and thus alerted, the relevant authorities paid the Carews a visit: the "relevant authorities" in this case being agents authorized to act on behalf of a place called Camp Kismet ... and Hephaestos himself, which went about as well as could be expected, by which the narrative means "Einiona's mum threw things and Hephaestos, being a god, stood there and waited until she wore herself out before he explained what he was here for". And thus, Einiona found herself packed off to sunny America, ... hot, humid, squishy America. Camp Kismet was located in the swampy end of Louisiana.

Einiona's arrival was uneventful, save the part where the authorities confiscated her railgun (immediately christened "Boomstick"), but only a few days later Camp Kismet came under attack by hideous abominations from beyond space and time (something that happened at Kismet rather frequently, to be honest), a state of affairs Einiona took to with what could be described as "gleeful abandon", tearing her laptop apart and building a Star Trek-style phaser from the remains, with which she merrily sniped away at the eldritch monstrosities until the hole in space-time was successfully closed by other campers.

Einiona thought it was the best adventure ever - and just as the portal closed, she found herself somewhere completely different (no, her immediate response was not to quote Monty Python: that came later, once she'd had time to think about it a little).

More details about Einiona's experiences growing up, should they be required, can be found at her journal, here and here.
World History: Einiona comes from a world based loosely off the Percy Jackson book series, though far more cynical, where the gods are real and they never really learned how to stop being horny, stupid assholes; likewise, their mythological enemies (including, often, each other) never stopped hating them, and while the gods are not at all easy to kill, their offspring definitely don't come with that pesky immortality clause some gods do. And since some gods just can't keep it in their pants, the suggestion of "just stop sleeping with pretty mortals you guys" was very quickly dismissed as the logical impossibility it was.

Thus, Camp Kismet was created as a safe haven and training facility for demigods from all over the world, where the newly-awakened children and teenagers and adults (but typically teenagers) could come to terms with their heritage in a protected environment and be properly taught how to use their abilities so that they could defend themselves once they were old enough to leave.

Kismet has essentially become the summer camp that never ends, and it is about as well-loved as you might expect: in other words, Einiona's gleeful embrace of the experience is hardly the norm.
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: As far as physical abnormalities are concerned, see "appearance" above: Einiona is disabled, and some things that people expect to come easily require a great deal of comparative effort on her part - effort reduced with the help of her half-blood heritage, but not eliminated. Her left hand simply cannot hold most tools on its own, there are certain positions she just can't hold her arm steady in, she has to stretch and do exercises every day to keep some of her arm muscles from atrophying and others from becoming overstressed, and forget typing properly with both hands (a minor but vexing complaint for someone as fond of video games as Einiona). She has spent her whole life learning ways to work with her disabilities; they are not obstacles to her, they're part of how her body works, and she is fairly proud of them.

Einiona is a demigod, and thus has enhanced strength and speed, though as she's essentially "mint in box" at the moment this just means she can carry a football player for a few yards without breathing hard and maybe run a marathon without breaking a sweat; no, what sets her apart from the above-average variety of human being is this: provided she follows certain arcane applications of the conservation of mass, Einiona can effectively build anything she can conceivably imagine. It is possible that it's only a function of her incredible devotion to the subjects of engineering and physics that she has thus far constrained herself to building things that break science only mildly, but a more plausible explanation is that she's simply not capable of breaking physics any further ... yet. She's only a teenager; who knows what she'll be like in her thirties?

The world of FF8, however, is obviously not the same world she comes from, and it has its own complex theology. Just because the magic that powers the gods in Einiona's world works there doesn't mean it'll work here, too. Einiona's demigod status is a part of her physical makeup, it's always been a low-level influence on her life - she has always been able to repair anything, and everything she constructs works, but that's on a low-level setting, that's her powers in passive form, in that state she can't actually build a railgun from a 360 without some kind of external stress triggering her powers into full activity - she will never totally stop being "more", but being a fully-realized demigod also means she draws power from the godly aspects of her father to fuel her ability. With no Hephaestos to embody that aspect and pass it on to his children in FF8, her powers would naturally be drained, so

a) her strength cannot and will not grow further than the point it has already grown,

b) her ability to affect physics, while already limited (everything Einiona makes is ultimately smaller than the component pieces that went into it), would only go so far - she already can't actually build anything larger than herself, but she would need to be able to spend time studying its construction before she could actually expect to build anything else from it, and

c) since her ability to do any of these things is now powered solely by her own half-godly heritage, without any outside "aspect" to draw on, exercising her ability to "build anything" will quickly drain her innate resources, leaving her exhausted and far weaker than even an average girl with a mangled arm would be, and those resources would renew themselves very slowly, only fully recovering after three weeks without significant/extensive use of any of her abilities.

Personality: Einiona, at her core, believes she has to fight for everything she wants. She's never been handed anything she didn't have to struggle for first, and she's internalized the idea that to actually get what you want, you have to know what you want first - you have to prove it's worth someone else's effort to give it to you, and so she doesn't actually talk about what gets her down to people who aren't her fucking family, and since her family probably isn't getting anywhere near this game, Einiona's going to be putting on a fairly even front for everyone who knows her and resolutely keeping her problems to herself, either until she can't cope any more or she's figured out a way to make them stop being problems. This is going to make her look like everyone's best buddy, but even if other people feel like they've gotten close to her, they ... really haven't, and she doesn't have an interest in letting them get close. This is a girl who grew up feeling like an outsider in her own family and still isn't sure she's proven she belongs there, being truly close to her classmates is not going to come any easier, no matter how friendly and gregarious she appears on the surface. She's waiting to see if they're worth it ... the problem is, with a mindset like that, she's going to be waiting a while.

Corollary to that is her own stubbornness and slightly manic tendency to fixate on what she's done wrong in a situation - she gets it from her mother, who is the craziest - to the point that even if her default response to people accusing her of being a fuckup is "I don't care", the fact is ... she doesn't actually believe they're wrong, and to an extent her becoming a demigod only reinforced the idea she has that the accident that took her brother and mangled her arm is her fault somehow, that being "miraculous" just means she's alive because her brother had to die and so she has to be a "good kid" or else she's making his death mean nothing. Her idea of "good kid" is idiosyncratic and personal at best, boiling as it does down to "make your family proud and don't let anyone else tell you what's best (but you should damn well know when they're right)", a combination of internalized misogyny and ableism on top of her family's personal brand of bitey fierce individualism, and it makes Einiona a wonderful bundle of nerves-fraying self-loathing and outspoken, cheerful mischief-making. To go back to the questionnaire: "Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?" - "Does it mattter?" She did her best to avoid (unintentional; she doesn't care if an apostrophe belongs in "that's", leaving it out makes the word hers) typos, but she didn't spot this one; she was too rattled by the question to pay close attention.

Honestly, Einiona's life expectancy isn't that high. She's just got the entirely wrong temperament for it: she'd rather throw herself into an impossible situation, risk her own life, than leave herself in a situation where she thinks she'd be a hindrance or where she might have to discuss how much of a fuckup she actually is. Admitting she's a fuckup might actually result in what she fears the most - people leaving her. She'd rather leave first, or either postpone the situations where leaving might be an option forever. Becoming a demigod just meant the trouble she could get herself into to avoid getting hurt was apocalyptic in scale, not that she wouldn't get herself into it, and when you're someone more comfortable with risking your life than admitting you might be lonely, that's just not a recipe for living very long.

That's not going to change for Einiona as a SeeD cadet; she's still going to chafe against the "easy" way and the "slow" solution. It has to be hard, and it has to be fast, and if it doesn't make her life feel like it matters, then it'll just leave her feeling vaguely hollow. She's not the adrenaline junkie her mother once was (this is very much a relative measurement in every sense of the word); if she thinks there's no weight to what she's doing then she doesn't care how it gets done, and she's more likely to be thoughtful about it - but throw some "real" stakes into the outcome, threaten people's lives, and she's going to start taking ridiculous risks simply because she needs the payoff. Especially Even if it might kill her, and if she miscalculates a fraction or gets even a little less lucky than she hopes then it's really not a question of "might" anymore, is it?

Copypasting a bit from one of the linked entries above because I doubt I could rewrite it any better:

Einiona is the accidental child in more definitions than one - and just because that also makes her a miracle doesn't make the capriciousness of her situation any less obvious to everyone involved. Sure, she could resent that, but growing up with Caradoc in the house there was so much festering resentment already hanging about that she learned to be the cheerful one out of sheer fucking rebellious tenacity, like a barnacle to satisfaction and contentment, and, well, then Ma had the brats - in a lot of ways, Einiona never really had a proper childhood - hell, none of her other siblings did either - and growing up she was always the one to give off the air of being wiser than her years, because she learned early on family wasn't something to rely on but to contribute to, something to be fucking grateful you even had, that you weren't alone or dead. Add to that the sheer fucking pain in the ass a malformed arm is to maneuver around, even with the frustration dulled by regularity, and the simple fact that her entire family except her ma were Carews and she was a Canning, and it's one of the worst math equations you'll ever see.

Every day is like a gift with its price tag still attached for her. It's wonderful.

Einiona was the first of the lot to really do poorly in school, because she just couldn't pay attention, but she did try ... and in the trying of it, fell in love with taking things apart and putting them back together again. The act of construction was relaxing, everything fit the way it was supposed to - and she kept trying, because now she had something that she loved enough to make it worth trying. Learning how to build anything when she was nearly one-handed due to a half-clubbed hand was a shitfuck of effort, but with her family's help (Caradoc endeared himself to Einiona forever for making a grip/sheath out of leather and plastic to slip over her busted hand so she could hold a screwdriver in that hand and the screws with the other) her efforts paid off like a boss. After a while, there wasn't a thing in the house that hadn't been at least pawed at by Einiona at least once, and if she could find instructions for it on the internet then it had also been taken apart and put back together again at least once on top of that.

She put it all back together very carefully; it wasn't right if it wasn't rebuilt right. Nevertheless, every so often she did seem to fuck it up - not very drastically, though, given that everything usually seemed to work as good as it ever did when she was done. And once she was done screwing around with the makeup of her physical environment, she began working on the makeup of her entertainment environment, taking to programming like a fish to water. It's safe to say Einiona likes to tinker.

And then she turned the family 360 into a handheld railgun and holy shit, it was like the floodgates opened.

Einiona knows her purpose in life now. She has to live, so she can build a better world. Of course, she's in no hurry for it: she's got a lot to learn first.

She's ready.
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