einiona and her family, cont'd

Dec 28, 2009 20:50

Caradoc is kind of a good-hearted bastard all around, who ... takes after his mother a lot, actually, because he's the exact same sort of irrational outwardly bitey demanding person who nevertheless feeds off structure and being told "no". He also tends to internalize things to always be his fault and give other people way too much rope to hang themselves with, so he is the kind of big brother who makes his little sisters cry and then on holidays or birthdays gets them, like, hideously expensive dresses and that stupid fucking video game they've been mooning over all year despite them not saying anything, give it a rest, it was all over your stupid face, like being a jackass can cover the part where out of everyone else he was paying close enough attention to what they really wanted.

He's also the problem child, because, as mentioned above, despite really not getting along with his mother he takes after her in absurd ways - Caradoc moved out permanently when he was about seventeen and his parents let him (see also: takes after his mother, Win was never that crazy but she panders to his crazy in memory of her own nonetheless, and Trevor ... panders to Win's right back), and he's spent the subsequent time getting his nose in some less-reputable lines of work, although as far as the family knows it's just from his side work as a bouncer - the Carew family takes its martial arts a little more seriously than most because the matriarch is crazy, and none of the siblings moreso than Caradoc or Meredith, and when Caradoc was old enough that he wouldn't get turned down for his age he put in an application by overpowering a man nearly twice his age and definitely twice his size - and so he maaaay be dabbling in what passes for organized crime in Wales. (The fuckups he's gotten into over football don't count, that's just the way of things - he'll grow out of that, eventually. According to Trevor, anyway, who may be a bit biased.) He may have also, since the goat-man incident, have started looking into whether or not there's any organizations devoted to killing otherworldly beasties that a mortal can join.

Surely neither of these will turn out horribly in the long run!

If he were in the game his PB would be Zero from Vampire Knight, recolored to have brown hair and grey eyes.

Catrin and Crierwy are more alike than they act, and given their childhoods can be forgiven for the way they're much closer to each other than they are with even their parents - they don't really trust anyone, but they try.

Catrin took after Caradoc and her parents, and turned to track and other sports, and grew up athletic - the kind of girl who could get away with short skirts, and did - and cheerfully physical. Catrin draws attention because she's open-faced and gregarious and dynamic - and because for a while there she went through boyfriends like holes in Swiss cheese. Hilariously enough, after finishing compulsory, she went on to blaze through her A-levels (nobody but her family and friends saw this coming, because she didn't exactly ... televise her mad learning skills, much to the annoyance and awed vexation of her teachers, who couldn't miss it if they wanted to), and she's just now finishing up a psychology degree to go on to her GDL and become a barrister.

Nobody's entirely certain where Crierwy picked up the grace and elegance that's come to define her since she turned sixteen and most of the gangliness disappeared into a slender monstrosity of lace and false delicacy, but everybody except her twin (and even Catrin some of the time) agrees she's taken to her new self with a zeal that borders on the terrifying. (Catrin mostly disagrees that it's terrifying, but then this whole thing often smacks of their mutual idea. This kind of casual, offhand tendency to troll the fuck out of everyone is the elder Carew sister's specialty and their mother is very secretly so fucking proud of them for it.) Crierwy is a fucking fashion magnet and damn proud of it, the kind of girl who's the center of attention in ways her sister isn't - she's the one that's hard to get, and she knows it - and between them both they kind of ruled their school's social scene while they were in it. Crierwy had a job at the local bookstore and never spent a penny of it all through secondary, and then she joined a band instead of going any further than passing her A-levels and spent three years on the road, a demon in a chiffon blouse with a voice like heaven falling and a band to match, and they opened for La Roux once before they broke it big, but then the band fell apart and Crierwy came home, back to the local bookstore and to her family. She spends her free time writing songs and composing melodies on the piano, smoking and thinking about books and boys with dragon tattoos down their spine. She fully intends to get another band. She just hasn't, yet.

It was Crierwy's idea for Einiona to start bandaging her arm - like a badge of honor, to be proud of it and reclaim it, rather than a shame to be covered.

Catrin is Cross Yuuki from Vampire Knight before and Crierwy is Kuran Yuuki after, both with grey eyes.

Eilir is dead.

Einiona carries that with her in ways far more disabling than the damage the accident did to her arm could ever be. She is the accidental child in more definitions than one - and just because that also makes her a miracle doesn't make the capriciousness of her situation any less obvious to everyone involved. Sure, she could resent that, but growing up with Caradoc in the house there was so much festering resentment already hanging about that she learned to be the cheerful one out of sheer fucking rebellious tenacity, like a barnacle to satisfaction and contentment, and, well, then Ma had the brats - in a lot of ways, Einiona never really had a proper childhood - hell, none of her other siblings did either - and growing up she was always the one to give off the air of being wiser than her years, because she learned early on family wasn't something to rely on but to contribute to, something to be fucking grateful you even had, that you weren't alone or dead. Add to that the sheer fucking pain in the ass a malformed arm is to maneuver around, even with the frustration dulled by regularity, and the simple fact that her entire family except her ma were Carews and she was a Canning, and it's one of the worst math equations you'll ever see.

Every day is like a gift with its price tag still attached for her. It's wonderful.

Einiona was the first of the lot to really do poorly in school, because she just couldn't pay attention, but she did try ... and in the trying of it, fell in love with taking things apart and putting them back together again. The act of construction was relaxing, everything fit the way it was supposed to - and she kept trying, because now she had something that she loved enough to make it worth trying. Learning how to build anything when she was nearly one-handed due to a half-clubbed hand was a shitfuck of effort, but with her family's help (Caradoc endeared himself to Einiona forever for making a grip/sheath out of leather and plastic to slip over her busted hand so she could hold a screwdriver in that hand and the screws with the other) her efforts paid off like a boss. After a while, there wasn't a thing in the house that hadn't been at least pawed at by Einiona at least once, and if she could find instructions for it on the internet then it had also been taken apart and put back together again at least once on top of that.

She put it all back together very carefully; it wasn't right if it wasn't rebuilt right. Nevertheless, every so often she did seem to fuck it up - not very drastically, though, given that everything usually seemed to work as good as it ever did when she was done. And once she was done screwing around with the makeup of her physical environment, she began working on the makeup of her entertainment environment, taking to programming like a fish to water. It's safe to say Einiona likes to tinker.

And then she turned the family 360 into a handheld railgun and holy shit, it was like the floodgates opened. Einiona still prefers to build things properly - following a plan with easily discernible structure is still the best way to calm her down - but in the wake of Hephaestus' arrival at her front door, Einiona did a little experimenting, and discovered she could basically make anything and as long as the materials kindasorta approximated the end result, it would work.

She almost blew up the house when she took the lawnmower and leaf blower apart and made them into a jetpack, but it was worth it to make like James Bond in Thunderball for a bit. Pretty much all she had time for besides the packing and the goodbyes, anyway.

And then she got sent off to camp, and all Win and Trevor had to worry about at home were Gwilym and Meredith.

Gwilym and Meredith have never known a broken home, and they are lucky, and their siblings try not to remind them of this too often, with the upshot that they're both kind of spoiled rotten in different ways.

Gwilym is the "softest" of them both despite being the eldest by a year, a quiet, sniffly boy who likes to chase frogs and is only beginning to learn that this isn't standard twelve year old behavior (he doesn't like the neighborhood boys much, and they called him faggot before he punched one of them so hard he knocked a tooth loose - and then Win made him apologize for it). He likes to play video games a lot, though, and the XBox 360 Einiona made into a railgun was technically his even if Einiona claimed it for her room; he's also the reason the family owns a Wii.

Meredith - taller than Gwilym by an inch and a half despite only being eleven - is his vitriolic guard dog, who thinks she's tougher than anything else in the neighborhood, even the fucking mastiff several houses down, and acts it. She looks up to Caradoc more than is healthy, and his total disinterest in feeding her hero worship only makes it worse. Someday she's going to rule the world, and Caradoc will be her chief advisor.

Gwilym is in this scenario played by Lag Seeing from Tegami Bachi, with brown hair and brown eyes. Meredith is played by Mawari Madoka from Tenjho Tenge, with brown hair and dark blue eyes.
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