Jul 11, 2007 18:13

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: A. (A- when I think about the ending too much. I can't tell.)

OK. So you know the whole "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" thing?  Yeah, that's how this review is going to work, except it's going to be "The Good, the Bad, and the Hot" starting with "The Hot" because...

-OMFG SIRIUS. No, seriously (ha). When did he get so good looking? And it's something I didn't even fully come to appreciate until afterwards. Which is reason #1 out of like 48567 why I need to see this movie again. Just, my God, when he was leaning against the doorway in his suit...my GOD. And the winking! I don't know, he's all I've been able to think about today. SO HOT. Oh, Crazy Gary Oldman. I now understand the fangirlishness that surrounds you so.

-I MISS YOU CEDRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh RPattz. Please come do me.

-I also thought all three Trio members were looking good. Despite the fact that I was really opposed to 2/3 of the hair, they all are becoming so attractive. In the first scene when the wind was blowing on Harry's tiny little t-shirt...I squeed. I did.

-Cho is gorgeous. Gorgeous. But more on her later, obviously.

-Bonnie's getting there. She is. Really. But I just don't think she's going to have the right look for HBP fiery!Ginny. But we'll see.

-Others: Bellatrix, Seamus, Tonks.

-Um, Sirius. Yeah.

Now "The Bad" because I don't want to end on a bad note.

-My main complaint: the end. And here's the thing. The MoM scene in the book is my favorite ever. Ever. And I knew the movie couldn't match the book because of a.) time and b.) just the sheer awesomeness of it all. And most of the movie MoM scene I thought was fabulous (see "The Good"), but....

-The lack of rooms was very sad. What I loved most about the book was that there was this huge feeling of panic because they just had no idea where the eff they were.

- I wanted to see the scene in which Harry sees Hermione almost get killed. Not even for H/Hr, really. Just because it was so terrifying in the book.

-Uhhhhh the veil? The hell?

-I know it probably doesn't matter, but Bellatrix didn't Avada Kedavra Sirius in the book. The movie kind of takes away from the mystery of his death.

-WHYYYYYYY couldn't they have made the scene with Dumbledore and Harry just a couple minutes longer?? I cried during this chapter in the book, and I just feel like the end was too abrupt to provide the intended emotional impact. I mean, it's a little messed up that I cried when movie!Cedric died but not movie!Sirius, you know?

-No St. Mungo's?!?

-Too bad we couldn't get more of Snape's memory. But like
grrliz said, LOL at the whiners.

-Cho. I like that they at least redeemed her character by implying that she snitched because of the Veritaserum, but I don't know. It just seems like everybody who has a chance to take down Cho (Rowling herself) will do it. Plus, now their relationship, or lack thereof, makes zero sense.

The Good. And this is the long list. Woo!

-Harry's rage. A lot of people said that they were happy he isn't raging in this movie, but I don't see it that way. He was raging, even if he wasn't CAPSLOCK!Harry. Instead, he was angsty in all the right ways. Man, TERRIFIC acting.

-Luna! Perfectly cast.

-UMBRIDGE. Perfectly cast as well. I was worried that I wouldn't hate her as much as I do in the book, but I'm pretty damn sure I did. I love that I've read three reviews that all say she should win an Oscar.

-Flying above London (twice!) literally took my breath away. So spectacular. I could watch that on repeat.

-The black hallway in the Department of Mysteries...SO BEAUTIFUL. I thought it would be this dingy hallway but instead it was tiled and shiny and....omg I want to live there. Yes, there.

-Fred and George's scene. Not quite as !!!!!!! as in the book, but then again, the movie couldn't the great line: "Give her hell from us, Peeves."

-The muting when Sirius dies was actually really nice, if not too melodramatic. I feel like no words or sounds or anything, really, could express what Harry felt right then, so silence was the most fitting way for us to watch him watching Sirius. (Again, ilu danrad.)

-THE MAKE OUT SCENE! To quote my friend, it was "dayyyum." They went at it!

-The dementors were frightening in the best way possible.

-Emma really stepped it up. I only said "calm down!" once or twice. And Rupert! When did he get cute?

-Dumbledore's Army. What I loved about the book was this underlying sense of rebellion against a corrupt society and adfas;kjfasdjf they captured it so perfectly!

-The newspaper thingy that they did was pure win. And again, it gave you this feeling of helplessness against such extremely biased news sources. So perfect for the day we live in.

-BELLATRIX. She is so fucking insane. So...soulless. But perfect. Again, great acting.

-Michael Gambon stepped it up! Still not perfect, but 29449x better than GOF. That scene where he disappears? Pretty boss. AND THEY KEPT MY FAVORITE LINE ABOUT HIM HAVING STYLE!

-Um HAHAHAHAHAHA at us supposedly buying H/G next movie. I laugh. But Ron and Hermione were...cute??? What can I say? Ron was completely infatuated with Hermione and in doing so made rendered himself adorable. Ahhhh! *wins the battle*

-Not as cute as Hermione throwing herself on Harry, though! *wins the war*

-The MoM scene, as much as it paled in comparison to the book, was truly incredible. I just sat there in awe. IN AWE.

-3D experience....BEST DECISION EVER. And this comes from someone who hates 3D.

-The tapestry was bad ass.

-Best for last...Voldemort continues to be the best thing about these movies. Honestly, he is so...terrifying doesn't even cover it. Even though I've heard it a million times the "you will lose...everything" line gave me chills. It literally just gave me chills typing it out.

squee, harry potter 2007, review, movies

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