You Will Lose...Everything

Jul 11, 2007 03:07

JUST SAW OOTP JUST SAW OOTP JUST SAW OOTP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it was good. GREAT, really. Had its flaws, of course, but for the most part...amazing.

I have to be at work in, oh, 5 hours, so I'm getting my ass to bed, but top three things to know (not really spoilery unless you're way paranoid):

1. They messed with the ending a bit. Part of me thinks it was awesome, but the other part is weirded out that Cedric's death had a bigger effect than Sirius'.

2. I'm sorry, I'm going to have a tough time buying Harry/Ginny in HBP. Just saying.

3. I LOVE YOU 1.) Evanna Lynch 2.) Imelda Staunton 3.) HOT HOT Gary Oldman and 4.) THE TRIO  - especially you, DANRAD!!!

OK, way more to come tomorrow, I promise.

squee, harry potter 2007, movies

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