Countdown to Guitarmageddon

Dec 20, 2006 21:16

Colbert was epic tonight. I mean, Kissinger, really?? When he ripped off his jacket sleeves I wanted to die of happiness. Does anybody know where I can find good Colbert icons from tonight?

Also, Amy, you're right. I never did post about The Office. So here's what I'll say about last weeks episode:
-Karen and Pam being friends is awesome, and Jim's worried reaction amplifies the awesomeness by a lot.
-Toby was hilariously sad. "Whyyyy?"
-I love Roy 2.0
-Omg Michael tonight. Borderline too much, but he didn't cross that line.
-James Blunt. The sample. The warbling. So perfect. 
-Jim's "alright" after Dwight said, "And the circle gets the square" was adorable.
-Jim was a jerk. But then cute. Then OMG rebound speech that made my life. Then OMG CIA mission with Pam. I love him.
-Double fudge...Angela. Double fudge...Angela.
-Kelly on karaoke was adorable. As was Ryan's drunken singing. And their dancing!

office, colbert

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