Title: Detention with Severus Snape with a twist! unbeta'ed
Cast: Severus Snape, Harry Potter,
stormypup and
fayniaNotes: From the lj conversation at
this post. This idea just strucked me. Bad
stormypup and
faynia. And it was written just under one hour.
"Detention! 8 o'clock sharp tonight! In the potions classroom. You will be scrubbing all the cauldrons." Professor Snape said curtly to
"Will you be alright?"
faynia whispered to
"I think so. I fervently hope so. This is my night. I will make my move, finally. After all, it's not easy to get a one-on-one detention with him."
stormypup whispered back.
8 o'clock sharp.
stormypup was knocking on the door nervously and opened the door when Professor Snape tersely commanded.
"You are to scrub all the cauldrons in the classroom. No magic."
Just what
stormypup wanted as she can't do magic anyway. For
stormypup had a secret. She was not a student in Hogwarts. She had sneaked in through a teleport hole created by
faynia, created just for the purpose of spending one night with one Severus Snape.
stormypup started the business of scrubbing the cauldrons clean.
"What do you think you are doing, you imbecile?"
"Scrubbing the cauldrons, sir."
"Not that way! You are not first year! You are to use the cauldron potion! I need those cauldrons squeaky clean for brewing the potions for the Infirmary! Go!"
"Where is it, sir?"
"In that cupboard!"
stormypup jumped to get the potion as it was placed high up. After many attempts, she still failed to get the potion.
"Don't you have the brains to pull a chair over to stand? Here! Take the potion and start scrubbing!"
stormypup gasped and felled onto Professor Snape. Taking the opportunity to touch almost about everywhere about Professor Snape's person.
"What do you think you are doing? Take your hands off me!"
"You... I left for a day and this is what happened?" screeched Harry Potter who had just returned from his previous engagement at the dragonhold.
"Harry! You are back! I missed you." Professor Snape dropped
stormypup like a heavy stone and rushed to Harry's side. Pulling Harry into a bear hug and a long kiss.
"Let me go this instance! I thought you love me but you allowed another girl to touch where only I can. Sectumsempra!" The last word were pointed with a wand at
stormypup fell onto the floor, blood flowed.
"Harry, you should know better than to cast this one."
"NO matter, she was touching what is mine. No one touches mine!"
faynia! Come in, I know you are standing outside the room this second. Take your friend to the Infirmary now. Tell Madame Promfrey to treat this with dittany immediately."
"Thank you, Professor Snape."
With this, both students left hurriedly. To the Infirmary and then back to their rooms. It was an experience that both of them would think twice before attempting again.