snarry_games rules! Week One

Apr 20, 2007 15:12

*grin* *grin* Someone help me wipe that silly grin off my face!!! I want to keep a list of fabulous stories in my lj. So this post will be updated whenever new stories are out in snarry_games and as & when I have read it. Ha~ Reading progress, finished 9 out of 12 fics posted. That's progress!

Week ONE 14 Apr - 20 Apr 2007
TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Meri Oddities "No Way Back"
Title: No Way Back 77,779 words
Author: Meri (meri_oddities)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Time Bomb
Summary: At the end of fifth year, Harry falls into a mirror and is forever changed by the experience.
My thoughts: I love this one! Well, love all time travel fics! Ha! With a dash of Midnight Blue's Mirror of Maybe. Yeah! Took me very long to finish this one!

TEAM POSTWAR ENTRY: AbstractConcept "Magnificent Penetration"
Title: Magnificent Penetration 22,000+ words
Author: AbstractConcept (the_con_cept)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Siege
Summary: There is no fortress so impenetrable as the human heart...(unless maybe it’s the human head).
My thoughts: Harry's sweet attacks on the barricade surrounding Severus.

TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Aucta Sinistra "Covenant"
Title: Covenant 8,900 words
Author: Aucta Sinistra (auctasinistra)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Espionage
Summary: Snape and Harry understand each other.
My thoughts: ranting How stupid could he be? Wy won't he listen? Will there ever be a happy ending? This ... business is too dangerous.

TEAM POSTWAR ENTRY: Anise "Vision in Colour"
Title: Vision in Colour 7,862 words
Author: Anise(anise_anise)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Sanctuary
Summary: "Severus understood the haunted look in Potter’s eyes. So much so, that he’d have felt sorry for the boy - if he could have felt anything."
My thoughts: Awaiting my reading.

TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Rex Luscus "Sheer Dumb Luck"
Title: Sheer Dumb Luck 7800 +/-words
Author: Rex Luscus (rexluscus)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forwarned!
Prompt: Surrender
Summary: For once, Harry and Voldemort want the same thing, and they want it from Snape.
My thoughts: I'm so flat out laughing. I think I couldn't keep the silly grin off my face. Harry was really persistent in his wanting to get into Severus's mind but ending up getting in his pants. So~ how was Voldemort killed? Well...

TEAM POSTWAR ENTRY: Hel Bee "Good Auror, Bad Auror (or No One Expects The Snapish Inquisition)"
Title: "Good Auror, Bad Auror (or No One Expects The Snapish Inquisition)" 5K ish words
Author: Hel Bee (hel_bee)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Inquisition
Summary: Senior Auror Severus Snape has been ordered to show Auror Potter his interrogation technique.
My thoughts: After the prodding from hel_bee, I finally click on the story. It's really nice, not angsty at all. Funny in some places, hot in others. The Snapish Inquisition or was it the Spanish Inquisition? Lol~ The unorthodox way that Snape use to get answers.

TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Perfica "A Thing of Guile"
Title: "A Thing of Guile" 7,653 words
Author: Perfica (perfica)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Trojan Horse
Summary: The man in the cell next to him was mumbling incoherently as if he too were returning to consciousness.
My thoughts: I just can't get over the fact that the scramble to get together, the waiting period, the way how Severus lost hope. How Harry sparks the hope. Angst.

TEAM POSTWAR ENTRY: Pixystick "Cymbidium"
Title: "Cymbidium" 10,750 words
Author: Incognito pixystick)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Sanctuary
Summary: This is the story of two people who find life after war, who find love in strange places, and sanctuary in their hearts.
My thoughts: Very nice use of the prompt "Sanctuary". After all, they both need their rest from being heroes.

TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Aqua Alta "Fields Before Each Other"
Title: "Fields Before Each Other" 7,653 words
Author: aqua_alta aka Becca Snape
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Scorched Earth
Summary: Two years after the events of Half Blood Prince, after two years of war, of set-backs and successes, Harry, Snape and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix are working on planning their final thrust against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. They come to realise that, in times of war, victory exacts a terrible price
My thoughts: Awaiting reading.

TEAM POSTWAR ENTRY: I Got Tired of Waiting "Surrendering The Mark"
Title: "Surrendering The Mark" 16,700 +/-words
Author: I Got Tired of Waiting (igtow)
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Surrender
Summary: Severus and Harry push the boundaries of love for freedom. A story about hope, survival, and the price of 'happily ever after'.
My thoughts: Awaiting reading.

Title: "Muggle Woe" 7,800ish words
Author: escapisms aka Lux
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Muggle Protection Act
Summary: An unwelcome guest knocks Harry askew
My thoughts: I know I shouldn't be laughing when I read this fic, but it had all the elements of laughter in it, especially all those *crockery* seems to be alive the way the author described them. It makes me remember the scene from "The Beauty and the Beast". Aw... fairy tales rule!

TEAM POSTWAR ENTRY: Stasia "Fidelitas"
Title: "Fidelitas" 15,500+/- words
Author: stasia
Please refer All Notes and Warnings/Spoilers at site. You are forewarned!
Prompt: Oath of Fealty
Summary: In letting go of his past, Harry finds his future.
My thoughts: Lovely. One should let go of one's past to move forward. I would say that Harry manages it really well.

ficrec, snarry_games, reclist

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