(no subject)

Feb 13, 2020 16:54

I think I have found my next career after my body gives out from being a line cook (which could be as early as next week.  Who knows?)

I am going to write greeting cards!  Yes, way to put that English degree to use!

I went shopping for supplies for our dinner tomorrow, our anniversary lunch (16th), and brunch on Monday....and realized I didn't get Kent a card. (It's a bigger deal to me than him, honestly.  But, still...)  I rushed over to the card section and....bleh.

There WAS one I thought about altering.  The front read "When I met you, God whispered to me" which I would have finished with "Run."  And I would have written "But aren't you lucky I didn't listen?"  Neither of us are the treacly sort, so he would have loved it.

But I am NOT paying $7.99 for something that will eventually end up stuck in a drawer.  Espescially when I have to alter it to our particular level of romantic snark.

So I came home, broke out some heavy paper, my good colored pencils and a few Sharpies and wrote the following, which ensures my place as the next Poet Laureate:

"Roses are red
Violets are blue (okay, they're actually purple.  Humor me).
Hallmark's fucking expensive
so I made this card for you."

I TOTALLY have a career in this.
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