(no subject)

Feb 09, 2020 04:36

G comes bouncing it to work (there is actually someone more obnoxious than I am first thing in the morning.  Who knew?).  He leans on the half door to the kitchen.

"Guess what I have?"


"Nope.  Guess again."

A midget and a pony...which would be convenient, because I haven't bought Kent a Valentine's Day present yet.

It went on like this for several minutes (and escalated.  You know, one of the great things about working in a bar is that the whole concept of NSFW is....kind of loose) before he presented me with a donut.  He'd swung by Dunkin on his way in and brought me a pink frosted with sprinkles.

I'm training a noob, and he was rightfully confused.  "I thought your husband works at Fresh Market."

Me: Yup.  He does.  G is my work boyfriend.

*G from behind the bar*  I'm working on it!  If I keep plying her with donuts, maybe she'll cave!

Me: I've been given a hall pass for you, ya know!

G: Sweet!  You're off tomorrow, right?  I'll swing by and we'll go out..  You can ride on the handlebars of a bike, right?

Poor noob is now really confused.  I finally explained that I'm poly (well, retired poly?  I have barely enough energy to make dinner, kiss the spousebeast, and remember to tie my shoes and put on pants when I leave the house.  I couldn't handle another relationship right now) and G and I have worked together in various failed places for years.  We flirt like mad, but that's it.  But....

That's how I like my life.  Complicated.

I also like donuts.  I'm such a slut.

Yesterday was brutal.  WHY WHY WHY would you schedule one person and a noob on a UNC/Duke home game?!?!?  Jaysus.  We put out 46 tickets in under an hour.  I now officially hate ruben pitas and pretzels with beer cheese.  And drunken brats.  And cheese curds.  And....hell, the whole menu.  Gah!

I paid to take GoTriangle and got off at the Hillsborough stop and walked the rest of the way home.  I wanted to be home that badly.

But now I have three days off.  Yay!

I'm not thrilled with the cut in hours, but I figure I can ride it out.  Bossman asked me how many hours I want, and I said 30-35.  The next schedule should reflect that.  So now I'll just enjoy the time off.

Oh, and I *did* find Valentines/anniversary gifts for Kent.  We don't need to give each other things, but I really wanted to this year.  Who knew that they make a Steelers apron and chef hat?

Yes, really.  I also got him Bourdain's Les Halles cookbook.  Maybe he can wear the gear and cook me something from the book?  ;)
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