Here you will find porn. (And occasional plot. But mostly porn.)
If you’re looking for my Harry Potter Courtship List, you can find it
here. If you’re looking for my
Merlin Magic Reveal Recs follow that link.
I also write original fiction (mostly gay porn) under the pen name M. Lee. Please be respectful, and keep my lj identity separate from my professional one (ie, don’t call me mabonwitch anywhere I go by M. Lee). You can follow me on Twitter, where I also post recs of YA, urban fantasy, fantasy adventure, and sci fi novels with queer characters,
@Mlee39. You can browse or buy my work
I have more of a tag system than a masterlist, but my HP fic can be found (mostly)
here and my Merlin fic
here. I’ve recently moved warnings in my fic into the author’s notes portion of things, as sometimes I am simply describing what happens in the fic and not all of it could legitimately be classed as a warning (het, for example). I do not warn for oral, vaginal, or anal sex, rimming, or lack of condoms/other protection. Pretty much everything else will get a mention from me.
There is no official friending policy here. Friend me if you'd like to! My fic is public (caveat: I flock any underage fic after a month), my rare RL posts are private.
Please play kindly and respectfully in my sandbox. I reserve the right to delete, freeze, boot, or otherwise deal with people being mean here. This is a happy place!
That said…