Bindings [RP with animus_nocendi]

Jan 17, 2009 20:58

Mab sat alone on the couch, the children old enough to speak in bed, nannies gone for the night, and babes sleeping.  She should be resting herself, she knows that. Her body will demand sleep soon enough. But she wants comfort, stupid comfort, so she sits on the spot in the couch that had just barely started to become Bobby's place and cradles the box. It's getting full now. Two vials of blood, two the number of chaos and unity. Two pieces of his preserved flesh, one a symbolic heart, one from his side, tattooed in their shared tongue of German, translated "Such is the inconsistency of real love, that it is always awake to suspicion, however unreasonable; always requiring new assurances from the object of its interest." She could bind him with what was in that box. Bind him in any way expect a spell that demanded bone and blood and flesh. She wouldn't. Even though he was still binging her.

[post] rp

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