Jun 28, 2006 19:57
my computer isn't booting. the optical drive needs to be replaced. maybe the screen and the airport card too. a new battery that doesn't only half charge spontaneously is in order. it's very possible that my harddrive is not going to be given back. there goes all the work from most of college, including my independent study interviews and 30 pg yet-to-be-turned-in paper, 12 gigs of music, photos i erased already from the camera....
i'm waiting for applecare's box to send it in. there's so many things fucked up with it, hahah. i do wonder if they'll just say "fuck it" and give me a new one. cos, you know, i'm not truly too attached to the functioning keyboard and uhh ... blinking light.
so: i've been up to world cup watching, movies, quad lounging, capoeira training again, hanging out with veronica and also michele and that group. he leaves for italy, maybe for good, on the 3rd. pasquale and marko leave tomorrow. so sad! come out tonight to somewhere in downtown champaign.
i try to check my email everyday, but sometimes harder done than said, so... call me! 224.406.6671
p.s. the new funk party date is the 28th, pending nicole's cousin's wedding trip confirmation