Have you ever wanted a random, thoughtful gift from a stranger? Well,
LibraryThing does this awesome secret Santa program.
You pick a place to buy from (Powell's, Longfellow Books, Amazon, or the Book Depository), you choose an amount (between $15 and $40), and you pay via Paypal. You can put a few preferences in as well. Then they choose someone for you and you pick out that $25 (or whatever you chose) worth of books, shipping is handled by the store you bought from, and someone gets your name and sends you the same monetary amount of books.
This probably works best if you're a LibraryThing member, so the person buying can see what kind of books you own/read. However, you can sign non-members up for this as well and no doubt link to a Goodreads account, or just be more specific in entering preferences.
I've never done this before and don't know that I'll have the money for it this year, but I think the whole thing is pretty awesome. LibraryThing doesn't make any money from this, it's just a neat thing they do. Doubly neat that it's not ALL through Amazon.